H-he's really all in? 🥲

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Aera POV
After the little incident with Jungwon me and Jake have been really careful, today he came to pick me up for our new parents therapy session.

"Wonie I'm going out with Niki and Sunghoon" humming sceptical my brother made his way over to me "how you getting there?"

Freezing up I forced a smile "bus" folding his arms the boy shook his head "I can drop you" but Jakes already outside~

"Jungwon your being extra again, I'm an adult you need to let me be my own person" pulling the 'independant' trick he sighed giving in.

"Okay but be careful" pecking the top pf my head I was able to slide away from the boy, walking down the road I spotted the familiar car jumping in with Jake "hey baby cakes."

"Hey pancake" chuckling softly he started the car "we need to be careful Jake, Jungwons getting suspicious and theres only soo many excuses I got."

Bobbing his head the boy parked up "or we could tell him?" my head zooming to latch on him my face showed nothing but distress.

"We can't lie forever A, it's better to tell him before your parents find out right?" swallowing hard I couldn't help but agree.

"But he's gonna flip, I mean your dead, like gone" chuckling the puppy like dude shrugged "let it happen, he'll come round."

Sighing heavily I had to agree "fine, we'll tell him next week, I just need at least week to prepare myself."

Getting out the car Jake squeezed my shoulder "he's your brother, he loves you" he wasn't wrong "okay okay I get it sheesh."

Laughing we entered Ms Lees office "and how are my favourite couple?" smiling at the sweet woman we seated.

"We aren't a couple~ I wouldn't be caught dead with.....that" Jake deadpanning "why do I always get bullied here!!"

Chuckling we began the session "your three weeks pregnant now, we should do a quiz to see how much you know about the pregnancy phase."

The two of us listening intensly both passionate of being good parents to our little twinkle "we're gonna do a little word assosiation, I'll say a word and you say the first thing that comes to mind."

"Okay Jake you go first" turning to me in confusion "why me? Your the pregant one" squinting my eyes "oh I'm sorry yes it's my fault that you put a whole ass child in me AND I have to carry it for nine months but you want to put the pressure on me, well I guess-" "fine fine I'll do it."

Grinning to myself Jake grimaced as we begun "wind" "rain" "cake" "Aera" furrowing my brows the boy smirked cheekily "don't worry I got you baby cakes."

Winking at me I merely snorted to hide the blush creeping on my face "yo kiddo your getting side tracked" Ms Lee clicking her fingers in Jakes face was very amusing.

"Blue" "pink" Jake had such a focused look on his face it was kinda cute "okay now I'm gonna start saying problems you may have and I wanna know your initial reactions."

Jake still concentrated merely nodded "alcohol" "no" "sad" "food" dang he's actually doing decent "blood" "danger."

A small smile on Ms Lees face she wrote down some notes "well done Jake, now let's do some roleplay."

"Okay so Jake leave the room for a second, I need to relay the situation for Aera so your reaction will be genuine" obeying the boy left.

"So Aera your gonna start having these pains in your back okay? This is seperate from the roleplay tho, I'm gonna be explaining to Jake when you burst out in pain kay?" oh me likey.

Calling Jake back in Ms Lee was busy explaining when I decided to get into character "shit!" squeezing the armrest to make it more belivable.

Jakes head ripping in my direction "what?! Are you okay Aera?!" shaking my head I fell to my knees holding my tummy "i-it hurts."

Panic covering Jakes face "fuk, Aera I'm here!! Tell me what you need, Ms Lee get something warm to put on her belly!!"

Looking up in awe as Jake helped me lay down, shit, he's really involved "Aera whats wrong?? Is the pain gon-" wrapping my arms around him he was very berry taken aback.

"Thank you" I didn't feel alone anymore, the last few weeks I've been stressing about raising this baby but seeing Jake today, I don't have anything to worry about.

"W-whats going on?" smiling at him my eyes started to well with tears "this was the role play Jake" realisation dawning over him I was pulled back into his arms.

"You scared me A" caressing my hair " giggled softly "that was great, your going to make amazing parents" ending the session we got into the car.

"You seriously okay tho Aera?" smiling softly I bobbed my head "I'm fine Jake" reaching over he took my hand in his.

Squeezing it gently the smile never leaving his face "you can rely on me A, we're in this together" sniffling softly I was soo grateful.

Parking up outside my house Jake helped me out the car "Jake I'm not even a month pregnant yet" shrugging he helped me nontheless.

"After today I'm on high alert" chuckling softly I was about to thank him when my worst nightmare came to life "Aera what the fuk!!"


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now