T-that's ours? 🥹

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Aera POV
Banging on my brothers door I quickly let myself in "okay what the fuk is the point of knocking if your not gonna wait for permission?"

Smiling from ear to ear "I'm going for the ultrasound, need you to back me with eomma and appa~" immediately directing his attention to me.

"Why can't I come? I wanna see my nephew or neice~" chuckling I pat his shoulder "cuz the first ultrasound is just for parents won, last time I checked this ain't yo kid."

Rolling his eyes the boy gave up "fine I'll cover for you but I wanna see the pic of lil twinkle straight away" he's soo excited geez.

Eventually dragging myself from my brothers rant on how this baby was such a BIG deal for him I waddled out to Jakes car "ready?"

Meeting his equally ecstatic gaze I bobbed my head "soo fukin ready" starting the car we rushed off to our appointment.

"Mr & Mrs Sim" smiling up at the doctor lady as soon as she looked away I pinched Jakes ass "you really gotta stop putting me down as Mrs fukin Sim."

Shrugging he had a cheeky look on his face "don't act like you don't like it" rolling my eyes in attempt of covering up my flustered face.

"Good morning, I'm Dr Jung and I'll be your doctor through your lil pregnancy journey" smiling friendly at us she slapped the unltrasound chair thing.

"Mrs Sim if you could just get on here we'll get started" doing as told I decided to correct her "just call me Aera, I would NOT be married to this short thing."

Jakes face dropping as Dr Jung let out a slight snigger "your soo mean somtimes" sticking my tongue out the boy merely rolled his eyes.

"Well Aera if you wouldn't mind lifting your top-" "woah I'm sorry Dr Jung but can you just stick to your job?" Jakes face hardening I couldn't hold back the snicker.

"Jake, I need to see her stomach to do the ultrasound" Jakes mouth forming an 'o' "uh okay sorry" looking down shyly a tinge of red kissed his cheeks.

Lifting my top I glanced at Jake "oh Dr Jung I'm sorry but I only strip on weekdays" the puppy boy side eyeing my teasing the giggles pulled past my lips.

"I'm going to put some gell on your stomach, it may tickle a bit" nodding my head I lay back waiting, placing the jell on my tummy a small giggle squeezed out.

"It tickles~" chuckling softly Jake stood beside me "wanna hold my hand baby cakes?" rolling my eyes "you wish- hehe gimme the hand!"

Watching me with a smile Jake squeezed my hand as Dr Jung placed the ultrasound stick thang around my tummy.

"See that tiny figure" pointing at the screen "that's the fetus" my eyes widening I watched the small glob move "t-thats ours?"

Looking up at Jake the tears welled in my eyes "Jake" speaking his name in a soft tone "I know Aera" pecking the back of my hand before pulling it to his chest "I know."

Watching the fetus in awe I sniffled softly "twinkle is soo small~" Dr Jung printing off a picture she handed it to me "oh my god."

Covering my mouth I rubbed my thumb over the pic "oh my god Jakey" side hugging me he pressed a tingly kiss to my head "our lil twinkle."


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now