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Aera POV
"Fuk me!! Seriously fuk me!!" groaning into my palms as Jiyoo screamed in her cott "damn love didn't know you were that desperate but if thats what you wan-" "go fuk yourself."

Glaring up at my fiance the latter chuckled coddling Sooha our ANGEL child, like I swear to god is this kid even capable of crying?

"Whats wrong love" placing Sooha beside her brother Jake made his way over to me, picking me up he seated himself on the rocking chair before placing mah bum on his lap.

"You can vent to me love" resting his chin on my shoulder while his thumb traced circles of my palm "that's what I'm here for."

Humming I relaxed in his arms as he pressed loving kisses up my neck "I'm tired Jake, I didn't think parenting would be THIS hard~"

His lips attaching to the skin on my neck my man raised his head to my ear whispering gently "I know love but we'll grow from this right?"

Turning to face him an unsure expression placed across my face "they hate me Jake" sulking I allowed my head to fall on his shoulder.

Bringing his hand up to my face Jake placed a stray strand of hair behind my ear "love, you know thats not true, they're our children."

Shrugging moppily I mumbled "they hate me, especially Jiyoo" a smile tugging at the edges of his lips "love~" rolling my eyes I popped from my seat "watch."

Picking up Jiyoo the clueless baby stared at me "helow Jiyoo lov-" "waaaaa" deadpanning I held the wailing baby "see?"

Shaking his head my fiance approached us "sit down, she's a baby, of course she's gonna cry, let it pass you'll see" ugh this hopefull ass man.

Plopping myself in the rocking chair I rocked us "mwahla" babbling up at me the baby suddenly made grabby hands.

Furrowing my brows I bought my hand to hers and the tiny being grabbed onto my finger "jakbwal" fasinated by my finger I decided to play along.

"You like that? What if the finger......tickles you!" tickling Jiyoo the mini me burst into laughter ""

Head shooting up both me and Jake shared a bamboozled look "d-did she just....." nodding my head ecstatically "she laughed, I made her laugh!!"

Jumping into a hug "I told you she doesn't hate you!" holding my face the latter pressed nonstop kisses around my skin.

"I guess she doesn't" looking down at the wide eyed baby "god I love her, all three of them" my lips pressing against her cheek.


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now