Ours 👩‍🏫

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Aera POV
After school we booked our first session with the guidance counsellor "are you sure we can't come."

Sighing at my best friends I answered Niki "no you cannot, this is for the PARENTS, last time I checked it wasn't your dick that put this in me."

Rolling his eyes the boy gave up "fine! I'll just go out with hoonie hyung~" hugging his arm the elder chuckled "uh sorry niks but I've got a date with Kazuha."

Scowling the youngest shoved the icy boy "yall suck" chuckling at the pouty boy I pat his shoulder sympathetically before catching sight of Jake "sorry but I gots ta go."

Waving at the two I jogged off to the familiar car "how'd you get away from my brother?" starting the car he responded.

"He's basically Jay's number one fan, wasn't too hard" chuckling I delved into conversation " anyways Mrs Im is pissing me off man, she said I'm gonna get held back a year if I don't pass maths, dumb cunt."

Chuckling the male beside me piped up "I could tutor you, maths is one of my strengths, along with physi-" "red flag!"

Dead panning I giggled teasingly "as I was SAYING, want the amazing Jake Sim as your tutor?" raising a brow he awaited my reply.

"Well on one hand I could get boring ass maths tutoring from the dude who got me pregnant OR I could chill at home binging kdramas, yea think imma pass."

Laughing lightly the elder shook his head "c'mon Aera, do it for the baby hm? I mean they can't have an idiot for a mother."

Side eyeing him he kinda had a point tho, if I'm going to provide for this child I need the education, groaning I slumped in my seat "fine! But just so you know I hate you."

Chuckling deeply he parked "love ya two Yang" winking I rolled my eyes hiding my internal panic.

Entering the building Jake got us signed in "sit down" helping me seat I was confused, I'm like a few weeks pregnant but kay?

"Mr and Mrs Sim?" furrowing my brows I stood up as Jake did with a grin on his face "asshole" chuckling we walked into the office.

"Mr and Mrs Sim, I am Lee Sung young your guidance counsellor" shaking our hands we seated opposite.

"So tell me about your situation" taking in a deep breath "well he knocked me up, no body knows except our friends, oh also I'm not a Sim, why would I marry.....this."

Jake looked to me offended while I merely shrugged "I'm not gonna lie to the counsellor lady" chuckling the woman sat up.

"So your to be new parents? Teen parents at that, this must be overwhelming for the both of you" well she got that solid.

Smiling reassuringly she stood up leaning on her desk "I'm not gonna tell you all that 'it's gonna be fine' or 'you'll get through it' bullshit."

Folding her arms "it will be hard, it will be exhausting, it will kill the two of you but when your child is born."

A smile overcoming her lips "when you look down at your new born baby, god the feeling, it'll all be worth it."

Looking down I reflected on it, just imagine, in nine months my child will be born, my own baby, my precious daughter or son will be born.

Feeling large hand a top of mine "she's right Aera, we may not have wanted this child but they're ours now."

One of his hands moving to my stomach "it's our baby" a warm smile lacing around my lips I nodded "our little angel."


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now