I love you & me~ 🩵

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"I look fat!" grumpily stomping as I glared at myself in the mirror......

"Baby we've talked about this" walking over to me my fiance wrapped his arms round me pressing his clothed abs against my back, his veiny hands placing on my growing bump

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"Baby we've talked about this" walking over to me my fiance wrapped his arms round me pressing his clothed abs against my back, his veiny hands placing on my growing bump.

"Your carrying our child, it's a blessing right?" rolling my eyes I huffed out "a fukin fat ass blessing" he chuckled softly as I tried to make my escape but the fuker chose to keep me in place "look in the mirror babycakes."

Grumbling I shook my head "I look ugly" scoffing the latter repeated himself "look in the mirror love" sighing heavily I followed his request which didn't really feel like a request.

"You know what that is?" "a fat old lady" chuckling lowly my soon to be hubby shook his head "no, that is a gorgeous angelic woman, my beautiful angelic woman."

A flurry of butterflies rushing in my tummy "thats what I see everytime I look at you, my perfect wifey" giggles erupting from my plump lips as Jake placed loving kiss up my neck "I love you babe."

Spinning me around he crashed his lips against mine "say it babe" whimpering as he nibbled on my lower lip "say you love me."

His hand travelling to my ass he gave it a soft squeeze eliciting a low moan but I was soon shut up by his tongue in my mouth "I'm waiting love, I don't like waiting" ugh.

"I-I love you Jakey" groaning his lips meshed against mine more aggresive "fuk baby, say it again" god does this get him horny?

"I love you Jakey" reluctantly pulling away he connected our foreheads "fuk yes you do!" pecking my lips extraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa long.

"C'mon pancakey~ we're gonna be late for Dr Im" waltzing out the room the lil puppy boy of mine followed even if he wanted to keep me to himself for the rest of the day.

"Mr & Mrs Sim, Dr Im is waiting for you" warmth spreading through my chest at the thought of being 'Mrs Sim' EISH I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTT.

Stepping through the gynecologists office "ah Jake, Aera come in come in" smiling at the friendly doctor we've had throughout our pregnancy.

Seating myself on the special chair "so today we're going to do a normal check up okay?" humming I allowed the woman to gell up my tummy.

Squeezing Jakes hand as I surpressed the giggles "everytime" chuckling amused my fiance pecked my knuckles.

Rubbing the device thang round my belly me and Jake intently watched the screen absolutely in love with our baby "oh."

Worry spreading through me at Dr Ims unsure expression "w-whats wrong?! Is my twinkle okay?? Dr Im is my baby okay!!"

The lady sending a sweet smile "twinkle is fine dear, but it seems there is a second fetus" HOLY MOTHERFUKIN SHIT.

Looking up to Jake shock covering my face while the latter seemed to be unfazed "what?" oh lord help me "Jake, love."

Squeezing his hand gently "theres a second fetus" furrowing his brows still lost as fuk "we have two twinkles bubs."

Eyes popping from their sockets "s-seriously?" whipping his head from me to Dr Im "yes, you are having twins" receiving confirmation from our doctor I was smothered in a hug.

Tightening his hold on me his face snuggled up in my hair "fuk babe, your holding our twins, our twinkles!!" giggling I bobbed my head "yes we are Jakey, yes we are."


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now