Chapter 1

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      Sitting down next to Arya I attempt to help her the best I could with her sewing patterns. Nodding to motivate her a small chuckle leaves my lips once she removes her hands revealing a mess of threads not neatly sewed into the fabric at all.

    Arya huffed, grimacing "Don't laugh, it's still useful."

       Covering my mouth I nod a little "Yes it would make a nice cloth to.... Clean"

         "Not everyone can excel at everything like you do, Aida." Arya remarked.

        Rolling my eyes I sit down next to her and nudge her with my shoulder "I'm far from perfect. There are plenty things I'm not particularly too skilled at."

       Suddenly, loud laughter and the swooshing sound of arrows from outside catches our attention, the boys must be doing their target practice.

    Sighing I turn back to look at Arya "Anyway-" but of course she isn't there.

        Getting up I shake my head with a slight smile to my lips and make my way outside. I pass Sansa, complimenting her on her sewing skills as I go.

      Emerging outside I make it just in time to see Arya hitting a bullseye prompting Bran to chase her causing everyone to laugh including me.

      Robb catches my eye and smiles "What brings you out here? these grounds are hardly suitable for a lady." He says jokingly.

     "We all know this lady can lay you on your arse, Robb Stark." I retort, raising my brow.

       Rolling his eyes playfully he shrugs his shoulders "It was one time, get over yourself." He says coming towards me and tapping me on the chin.

     As Robb walks away I look up to see Lady Catelyn glaring down at Jon from where she is perched on the balcony.

Time to go save Jon.

    Walking up to Jon I tap him lightly on the shoulder causing him to look away from Lady Catelyn to me with a smile growing on his face.

      "Snow." I say.

      "Song." He replies.

  Wrapping my arm around his I say "I believe you still owe me that stroll through the woods." I say adding a discrete wink.

      Understanding what I'm doing he shakes his head and nods "Shall we my lady?"

     "We shall."

As we walk through the winding paths of Winterfell, headed towards the serene Godswood, my heart swells with a sense of belonging. Despite being born into the Song family, I have always felt more connected to the Starks—my true family. It's as if the blood that runs through me carries the ancient sigil of the direwolf, forever branding me as a Stark at heart.

Memories of the tragic day when my childhood home was besieged and my loved ones mercilessly slaughtered still haunt me, lurking in a fog of pain and loss. But amidst the chaos and despair, one figure emerged as my savior: Lord Eddard Stark. With unwavering kindness and paternal love, he plucked me from the depths of darkness and brought me to the safety of Winterfell, where I found solace and a new beginning.

Arriving in this unfamiliar land as a frightened young girl, orphaned and drowned in a sea of uncertainty, I was welcomed into the warm embrace of Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy and Jon Snow my steadfast companions and protectors. Jon, only a year older at sixteen, carried himself with a quiet strength that belied his tender age, while the charismatic and noble Robb, at seventeen, exuded the confidence of a future leader. Together, they became my pillars of support, my boys.

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