Chapter 12

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Perched on a sizable rock in the clearing beside Carlisle Umber, grandson of Greatjon Umber, Nymeria's head nestled in my lap. Together, we observe Theon, attempting to decipher his movements with focusing.

I pipe up a thought in my mind "It's someone being mauled." I say.

Theon groans "No, it's a lion dying. You get it?because we're going to Kings Landing to beat the Lannisters."

Carlisle chuckles and sips his red wine from his goblet "You must work on your acting skills my friend."

"Mad coming from you, you've lost the last five rounds." Theon retorts.

I roll my eyes playfully "You both are horrible at this game."

Carlisle scoffs "Okay Lady Song, show us your best."

With a mischievous grin, I rise from my seat, executing a playful mock bow before taking center stage. Holding my hand in front of my face, I start exaggeratedly inspecting my fingers with wide-eyed horror, while placing the other hand over my mouth in a feigned expression of shock.

Theon squints skeptically. "And what is that supposed to be?"

Carlisle takes another sip of his wine and rolls his eyes. "You fool, she's mocking my grandfather getting his fingers bitten off by one of those mutts," he explains gesturing towards Nymeria, earning a wide smile from me happy that he got it right. Though Nymeria doesn't seem to like his comment as a growl emits from her.

I offer a bow as Theon chuckles, while Carlisle shakes his head disapprovingly. The sound of loud clapping from behind makes me turn around to see Robb, a small smile playing on his lips. "They're not mutts, Carlisle," Robb corrects.

"Yeah, yeah," Carlisle mutters dismissively.

Robb turns to me "My mother's here."


As Lady Catelyn and I amble through the encampment, she breaks the silence with a question: "How have you been?"

Chuckling softly, I reply, "I should be asking you that question. After all, you were the one who ventured to King's Landing so bravely."

Catelyn nods thoughtfully. "Indeed, the journey had its ups and downs. I had the chance to see Ned, but the revelation about the dagger being Lord Tyrion's was unexpected."

My surprise is evident as my eyebrows shoot up. "Lord Tyrion? That's rather strange. He's known for his sharp wit, not sharp blades. What motive could he possibly have to harm Bran?"

Catelyn's tired sigh speaks volumes. "I've pondered the same, I'm not really sure what to believe anymore. Let's put this speculation aside for now. We have more pleasant matters to discuss, like your upcoming wedding."

I nod, anticipating this conversation. While I promised Robb I would give our marriage my all, I can't shake the feeling of unreadiness. "Yes, I understand the need for preparations, but is it wise to wed during war?" I question.

Lady Catelyn's response is unwavering. "It's the opportune moment, if anything. Amidst darkness, a wedding brings light. It solidifies alliances and lifts spirits."

"I wish to postpone," I declare.

Her steps falter, surprise evident in her expression. "Why?"

"I can't bear the thought of marrying without Ned, Sansa, and Arya present. Sansa was so excited, and Ned was meant to lead the ceremony. It wouldn't feel right without them," I explain honestly. Sansa's eyes sparkled with excitement at the mere mention of my dress, eagerly anticipating for the start of its preparations. Arya, ever the free spirit, would have reveled in the prospect of a grand feast, relishing in the abundance of food. And Ned, my father figure, was meant to stand as the officiant, guiding us through the sacred vows. Their absence would leave a noticeable void, casting a shadow over what should be a day of joy and celebration.

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