Chapter 2

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As Jon, Robb, Bran and I sit on our horses in the middle of a huge green valley we peer out into the open as the deserter is brought forward before Ned Stark.

"I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them, but....I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know." The deserter says.

Robb, Jon, Bran and I exchange glances when he says this. Everyone knows who White Walkers are of course especially in the north it's in most of our fantasy stories after all but that's all they are fantasy stories. This man must've had too much to drink.

"If you can get word to my family....tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry." He says.

I turn my head to Ned to watch his reaction he nods his head to the guards motioning them to put the deserters head down to lie in the execution block Ned then goes over to Theon and retrieves Ice, House Stark's ancestral greatsword.

Stealing a glance at Bran from the corner of my eyes I see him struggling to keep his gaze on the execution block probably scared. As I'm about to comfort him Jon leans towards Bran and whispers something in his ear causing Bran to immediately puff out his chest and look more stern.

Ned bows his head down on top of his sword "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die."

I then watch as Ned brings up his sword and with one clean swing beheads the deserter.

Looking at Bran again I slowly trot my horse closer to his and lean down a little to ruffle his hair making him glare at me "You know I hate when you do that."

"One day you'll be yearning for me to do that and I won't be there." I say amusingly sticking my tongue out at him but soon leaving him as I see Ned coming up to Bran.

Bringing my horse up to Jon, Theon and Robb I say "Race you guys back?"

As they're slowly registering what I said I quickly hit my Horse on the side causing it to race quickly throughout the green valley as I hear groans and protests behind me from the boys.

"You cheater!" I hear Theon yell as well as multiple horse racing after me causing a loud laugh to waft from me.


Stopping the horse abruptly in its reins I put a hand over my mouth as I take in the scene before me a big dead animal bloodied with little critters surrounding it.

Looking behind me I see Robb, Jon and Theon coming up to me with a worried look on their faces seeing that I stopped.

Getting off his horse Robb races up to me "Are you ok? What's wrong?"

Looking at his surroundings he finally sees the big dead animal on the floor. Ned and the guards come up to us seeing we stopping causing everyone to get off their horses including me.

"Mountain lion?" Theon says confused.

Shaking his head Ned comes closer to the dead animal to inspect it "There are no mountain lions in these woods"

Coming up from behind me Robb places a hand softly on my back to peer over me at the beast "You sure about that, Father? I mean, the thing's been totally torn apart. What else could it have been?"

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