Chapter 19

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I lay down on my bed, reflecting on the events of the past year. Bran is crippled, Ned is dead, and we are in the midst of a war. Arya and Sansa are being held captive, while Jon is freezing in the far north at the Wall. Bran and Rickon are prisoners of our supposed lifelong friend, Theon Greyjoy. Soon, Carlisle will leave too, and who knows what will become of him. To top it all off, I've realized that my feelings for my best friend run deeper than I ever acknowledged, but it seems I may have been too late. Robb left with Talisa this morning, apparently to get supplies, and who knows when they'll return.

I suppose I can say it was an eventful year, but I've never cared for eventful. I long to return to Winterfell, where I can read stories to Bran and Rickon until they fall asleep, go on hunts with Ned, spend hours in the courtyard with Jon and Robb learning new skills, sew new dresses with Sansa, and create new recipes while Arya sits in the kitchen, tasting everything and chattering about her day. I miss it all dearly.

As I'm about to blow out the candles next to my bed, ready to call it a night, the peacefulness is shattered by a commotion of yelling and clamor from outside. Without a second thought, I hurry outside not even bothering to change out of my nightgown.

Once outside, I'm met with the sight of Lord Karstark and another man hauling in Jaime Lannister, covered in dirt and grime. The air is filled with shouts and chants of "kill him!" It's pretty clear they've caught Jaime Lannister after his escape.

As Lady Catelyn approaches Lord Karstark, he utters, "Any man who stands between a father and his vengeance asks for death."

Shaking her head, Lady Catelyn responds, "Lord Karstark, this man is our prisoner."

"He killed my son," Lord Karstark declares, his rage evident.

Lady Catelyn acknowledges this with a nod. "And crippled mine. He will answer for his crimes, I promise you, but not here."

"I will have his head," Lord Karstark exclaims. "And if you try to stop me..."

Stepping up next to Lady Catelyn, I interject, "You'll what? Strike Lady Catelyn down?" I raise an eyebrow in question. "She is the widow of your liege, Lord Eddard Stark, and the mother of your King."

Lord Karstark scoffs at this. "And where is our king now?"

"It is known that he has gone to Crag to accept the surrender," I assert.

Lord Karstark smiles at this. "Aye, gone to the Crag, but not to negotiate. He brought that foreign bitch with him." My heart sinks at his words as my insecurities about Robb's relationship with Talisa rage inside me.

Carlisle, who also looks like he just came from bed, glares at Lord Karstark. "That's your future queen you're talking to, Lord Karstark. You should remember that."

Lady Brienne, now serving Lady Catelyn, pipes up too. "And threatening Lady Catelyn is an act of treason."

"Treason?!" Karstark bellows in rage. "How can it be treason to kill Lannisters?"

Attempting to diffuse the tension, Lady Catelyn raises her hand. "I understand your grief, my lord, better than most. But in the name of my son, the King in the North, stand down."

With a glare, Karstark responds, "When your son returns, I will demand this murderer's head."

Carlisle shakes his head. "Wise men do not make demands of kings."

"Fathers who love their sons do. I will have his head," Karstark declares adamantly.

Jaime Lannister smirks from his position on the ground. "Thank you for fighting on my behalf, Lady Stark. I would have come to your defense, but..."

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