Chapter 14

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"This is Winterfell," the kind man says gently, holding my hand. "It's where you'll be staying from now on."

With wide eyes, I take in the surroundings, filled with shades of gray and brown that seem somber compared to the vibrant hues of my home.

As we pause, the man kneels down to my level, a warm smile lighting up his face. "It's not as colorful as your home. I know your mother brought the south with her and brought life to it, but Winterfell is suitable," he reassures me.

The mention of my parents stirs a longing in me, and I can't help but ask, "I miss my Ma and Pa. When can I see them again?" My young self says struggling to grasp the concept of their absence.

The kind man offers me a small, melancholic smile, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening. "One day, you'll get to see them, I promise. But for now, this is all I could give you," he says, his accent thickening towards the end.

"You talk funny," I say with a small smile, noticing the resemblance to my father. "Like my Pa."

The kind man chuckles softly. "Gideon was a Northern man through and through," he replies, his eyes twinkling with fond memories.

Rising to his feet, he takes my hand once more, leading me to a bustling courtyard where two boys dash about, brandishing wooden swords in what appears to be a lively game. One sports a mop of black, curly hair, while the other boasts cropped, fiery red locks.

"Ser Robb, have you completed your task?" the black-haired boy calls out to his companion.

The red-haired boy nods with pride. "Aye, Ser Jon. The warlock is vanquished, never to trouble Winterfell again."

"Ah, but you've been mistaken," the kind man interjects, his voice carrying a playful edge. "For the warlock has returned," he declares, causing the two boys to pause mid-play and glance up with wide smiles.

"Father!" they exclaim in unison, racing over to him with unbridled joy. As they envelop him in hugs, he momentarily releases my hand, leaving it feeling cold and abandoned.

I watch the heartfelt reunion between the man and the boys, enveloped in the warmth and love that radiates from their embrace.

As they part, the man introduces me. "Robb, Jon, this is Aida Song."

The two boys turn their attention to me, their eyes revealing contrasting emotions. One pair, dark brown and uncertain, meets mine, while the other, ocean blue and brimming with excitement and curiosity, reaches out with a friendly smile. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Robb Stark," he says, extending his hand.

Feeling uncertain, I glance at the kind man for reassurance, finding his nod encouraging. With a tentative smile, I take Robb's hand in mine, feeling the gentle shake before he releases it.

The other boy steps forward, his head slightly bowed, exuding a shy demeanor. "I'm Jon Snow," he introduces himself, offering his hand as well. I reciprocate the handshake, feeling a sense of connection despite his shy demeanor.

The kind man beams at the boys. "Go and tell your mother that I'm back," he instructs the red-headed boy. "Take Jon with you."

As the boys dash off with their wooden swords, I return my focus to the kind man beside me.

"You'll be safe here in Winterfell, Aida. The Starks, my family, are very close. Your father entrusted me with your care, should anything happen. Would you like to be a part of my family?"

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