Chapter 16

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"The rumors were true all along," I murmur to Grey Wind, his fur warm beneath my touch as I scratch behind his ear. "Cersei and Jaime Lannister's incestuous relationship, Ned's death because of it, and Bran's inability to walk—all because they were desperate to keep their secret."

I shake my head in disbelief. "How does the world even continue to function with people like that in it? It's beyond me," I lament, seeking solace in the presence of the loyal direwolf at my side. "But you're not like that, are you, Grey Wind?" I ask, my fingers gently tracing the contours of his fur.

"Stop talking to my wolf, would you?" Robb's voice breaks through my thoughts, accompanied by a smile as he approaches.

I shrug nonchalantly. "Nymeria's asleep, and I needed some company," I reply, meeting Robb's gaze with a grin all the awkwardness from last night erased.

"Come on, I have to send that Lannister spy back to King's Landing with a message," Robb gestures towards the encampment, his tone resolute.

Nodding, I rise from my spot, Grey Wind at my side as always. "What are you planning to tell him?" I inquire, curiosity piqued.

As we make our way towards the tent, Robb's voice is steady. "I'll lay out a few terms for him to abide by. One of them being the demand for Joffrey to relinquish their claim on the North."

"They're bound to refuse," I remark, anticipating the Lannisters' response.

Robb's smile is grim, but determined. "I know," he admits, the weight of his decision evident in his expression. Stepping into the tent, we're greeted by the sight of Robb's advisors, along with Carlisle, Theon, and Catelyn, already gathered and awaiting our arrival.

As I move to take my customary seat next to Robb's chair, I catch a silent exchange between him and Carlisle. Carlisle's eyebrows raise in questioning, to which Robb responds with a subtle shake of his head, prompting Carlisle to roll his eyes and sigh in response. With a shake of my own head, I choose to ignore their silent banter, shifting my focus to the guards who are ushering in the Lannister spy.

"You're Ser Alton Lannister?" Robb questions.

The boy nods at this. "I am, your Grace."

"I offer your cousins peace if they meet my terms. First, your family must release my sisters. Second, my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypts beneath Winterfell. And the remains of all those who died in his service must also be returned. Their families can honor them with proper funerals," Robb says.

The boy nods at this. "An honorable request, your Grace."

"Third... Joffrey and the Queen Regent must renounce all claim to dominion of the North. From this time, till the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom," Robb says sternly. The boy's eyes visibly widen at this. "Neither Joffrey nor any of his men shall set foot in our lands again. If he disregards this command, he shall suffer the same fate as my father, only I don't need a servant to do my beheading for me."

The boy starts tumbling over his words in shock. "These are... Your Grace, these are...."

"These are my terms," Robb interrupts. "If the Queen Regent and her son meet them, I'll give them peace. If not, I will litter the south with Lannister dead."

The Lannister replies, "King Joffrey is a Baratheon, Your Grace."

Robb smirks at this. "Oh, is he?" He says, a smile growing on my face. "You'll ride at daybreak, Ser Alton. That will be all for tonight," he says to all the advisors.

As we begin to exit the tent, I notice Theon veer off to the side, likely to have a private word with Robb. As I move forward, I accidentally bump into Carlisle, who's wielding his sword with a playful glint in his eye. "Care for a spar, Lady Song?" he asks, his tone daring.

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