Chapter 24

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We all gather on the dock beside the river, somber faces watching as Lady Catelyn's father, Hoster Tully's body, drifts upon the water. Edmure Tully steps forward, bow in hand, and sets the arrow ablaze. I can't help but furrow my eyebrows as he takes aim, noting the unsteady grip and the wavering posture. As expected, when he releases the arrow, it veers off course, missing its mark by a considerable distance.

A small smile tugs at my lips, which I quickly suppress, striving to maintain a respectful demeanor. Edmures embarrassment is palpable as he fumbles for another arrow, only to repeat his earlier mistake. The sight prompts a soft chuckle from Robb beside me, his amusement mirrored in my own expression. But our amusement is short-lived as we both catch the sharp glare from Lady Catelyn, causing us to straighten our postures and school our expressions into ones of solemnity.

Getting tired of Edmures short comings Brynden Tully 'The blackfish' pushes Edmure to the side grabbing his bow and arrow and shoots perfectly leaving before even seeing if the arrow hits its mark but of course it does lighting it aflame.

Intertwine my hand with Robb's an amused smile grows on my lips."I like him."


I walk through the castle with Nymeria and Greywind by my side as I go to the cells where the two Lannister boys are being held. I feel greatly sorry for the two boys who have been taken, another piece of collateral during war.

Reaching the cellar I see Talisa has just finished patching a few of their bruises up. Seeing me Talisa bows a little with a small smile "Your grace."

"Lady Talisa." I say back warmly all past dramas forgotten "Are the boys alright?"

Talisa nods "All done." With a smile she walks off leaving me with them.

"You're Robb Starks wife." One of them states in observation.

I nod "Yes, my names Aida. What's your names?"

"Martyn." The boy says then points to the other boy "and Willem Lannister." The boy says then he looks at the big direwolves next to me with intrigue "so it must be true? the rumors they say about him."

"I fear I haven't heard these rumors you speak of." I say with a quirked brow "Enlighten me."

"That Robb Stark can turn into a wolf at night." He states.

A small smile comes onto my lips now realizing the rumors he speaks of as I bend down and pet Greywind on his head "When he turns he's even bigger than Greywind here, big ferocious claws and teeth eating the flesh of his enemies."

The boys eyes widen in horror at my words "But you know what really makes Robb a wolf?" They come a bit closer in anticipation "His unwavering bravery and protectiveness over the people he cares about the most, you boys have nothing to be afraid of here, plus Robb doesn't like the taste of children much." I say cracking a smile.

Martyn cracks a small smile at this. Glancing around the cell, I shake my head. "Well, this just won't do."

"Follow me," I say to the two boys. As we approach the door, a guard steps in our path. I tilt my head to the side, a smile playing on my lips. "Ser... What's your name?"

"Ser Oliver, your grace," he replies.

"Ser Oliver," I muse. "I believe you're obstructing our path."

His eyes flicker with uncertainty, but he stands his ground. "I'm under orders, your grace."

I step closer, my smile unwavering. "And I am giving you new orders. Step aside, Ser Oliver."

He hesitates, glancing at the boys and then back at me. The weight of the situation hangs in the air.

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