Chapter 20

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Hearing birds chirping and feeling the warm rays of sunlight on my face, I open my eyes and realize my head is resting on Robb's chest, rising and falling with his breaths as he sleeps.

Yesterday's events flood my mind, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. My thoughts drift to Jon, my first love. He will always hold a special place in my heart, a cherished memory of innocent affection. But Robb is different. He is the love of my life, the one who completes me in ways I never knew I needed.

I shift slightly, careful not to wake him, and tilt my head to look at his serene face. His features are softened in sleep, and a faint smile curves his lips, as if he's dreaming of something pleasant. I reach up and gently trace the line of his jaw with my fingertips, marveling at the man who has captured my heart so completely.

In this quiet, intimate moment, I feel a profound sense of gratitude and contentment. Robb stirs slightly, his arm tightening around me instinctively. I snuggle closer, pressing my ear against his chest to listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. This is where I belong, and with him, I finally understand what it means to be truly home.

After a while, I sit up and straddle Robb's waist, leaning down to pepper kisses across his face and neck with a smile. Stirring awake, Robb's blue eyes open, initially clouded with confusion, but they soon soften as a small smile graces his lips. "Hi," he says softly.

Pausing my kisses, I smile back. "Hi."

Gently, Robb tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. He leans in, and our lips connect in a sweet, tender kiss that feels like a promise. "I'll never get tired of doing that," he murmurs softly, his breath warm against my skin.

"Good," I reply with a smirk, my eyes sparkling with mischief. "Because I plan on doing that a lot."

Without warning, Robb flips us over, his strong arms easily shifting our positions so he's now on top of me. He gazes down, a playful glint in his eyes. "How did you sleep?"

"Better than ever," I respond, a smile spreading across my face. "A bit sore, but it'll pass."

Robb nods, his smile widening. "I don't ever want to get out of this bed."

"I feel the same," I say, tracing my fingers along his shoulders. "But we have to if we're going to get married."

Robb freezes, his eyes wide with shock and a hint of joy. "I thought you wanted to wait?"

Taking my hands and placing them on his shoulders, I look up at him, my heart pounding. "Marry me, Robb."

A wide grin spreads across Robb's face, his eyes lighting up with excitement. He leans down, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss that ignites a fire within me. When he finally pulls back, slightly breathless, I ask, "I take that as a yes?"

"Yes," Robb replies, his voice filled with emotion. He kisses me gently on the lips again. "Today," he says, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. "Tomorrow," he murmurs, his lips brushing my nose. "And every day," he finishes, sealing his promise with another deep, lingering kiss.


(Robb's POV)

Walking through the encampment, a smile spreads across my face as I replay the events of the past few hours in my mind. It feels almost surreal. I'm getting married to the girl I've always loved, and she loves me back.

Passing by some of the bannermen, I wave hello, and they wave back. I continue toward my mother's tent to share the news that Aida wants to marry. Though I'm upset with her for releasing the Kingslayer against my orders, she still needs to know.

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