Chapter 21

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With the ceremony having ended a few hours ago and the feast outside nearing its conclusion, Robb takes my hand from across the table and squeezes it gently. I turn to him with a small grin, which he reciprocates. I squeeze his hand back, savoring this brief moment of happiness amidst the turmoil of war.

I glance around at the large crowd of bannermen gathered around the head table where Robb, Carlisle, Lady Catelyn, and I are seated. The men sit on logs around campfires, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames as they eat. The feast was hastily arranged, leaving us without enough tables, but the cooks and servants managed to pull it off admirably. I must remember to thank them tomorrow for their hard work and dedication.

My thoughts are interrupted as Robb turns to speak to Carlisle, who sits beside him. "Carlisle," he says, his voice both firm and affectionate, "I just want to remind you that you have my gratitude."

Carlisle shakes his head with a modest smile. "You don't have to thank me, brother," he replies. "How about we stop talking about me? This is your night, after all."

With a broad smile on his face, Carlisle rises from his seat, lifting his goblet high. He taps his spoon against the goblet three times, the clear sound cutting through the chatter and bringing everyone to a hush. "My Lords," he begins, his voice strong and clear, carrying across the gathering, "I've had the absolute pleasure of knowing Robb and Aida since we were just wee ones."

A chuckle escapes him, and a ripple of laughter follows from the crowd. "I bet most of you remember that we used to be a group to be reckoned with." The mention of our childhood exploits—Jon, Robb, Carlisle, Theon, and me running wild around Winterfell—elicits more laughter and a wave of nostalgic smiles. The memories warm my heart, though the present reality is starkly different.

Carlisle pauses, his gaze sweeping the room, and then continues with a twinkle in his eye. "We were quite the handful, weren't we? Causing mischief, exploring every corner of Winterfell, and always sticking together. Those were simpler times, and we were fortunate to have them."

The crowd of bannermen nods, some exchanging knowing glances, recalling their own youthful escapades. Carlisle's smile fades slightly, replaced by a more serious expression. "I was there as they grew up together, played together, and supported each other through the best and worst of times. Their love was one that was destined to be."

The bannermen nod and smile, murmuring their agreement with soft 'ayes.' Carlisle's voice grows more earnest, filled with heartfelt emotion. "Their love is the kind that warms the coldest winter night. The kind that shines through even in the darkest times. It's a beacon of hope and strength, not just for them but for all of us."

He looks over to me and Robb, his eyes soft with affection and pride. "Tonight, I raise my glass to Robb and Aida," he announces, his voice resonating with pride and joy. "May their love be like the North—strong, unwavering, and eternal."

With one final smile, Carlisle lifts his goblet high into the air, his voice booming with enthusiasm. "To the King and Queen of the North!" he exclaims, his words carrying over the gathered crowd.

The response is immediate and thunderous. The bannermen erupt in cheers, their voices blending into a powerful chorus. The sound of mugs banging on logs reverberates through the night, a resounding approval of Carlisle's toast. "To the King and Queen of the North!" they chant, their applause and cheers growing louder with each passing second.

I feel a surge of emotions—pride, love, and gratitude—swelling within me. I turn to look at Robb, and find him already gazing at me, his eyes filled with warmth and an unmistakable smile on his face. The connection between us is palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the journey we've undertaken together and the challenges that still lie ahead.

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