Chapter 4

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As my wooden sword connects with Robb's side, he groans in frustration, prompting a laugh to bubble up from within me. "Don't be a sore loser, Robb," I tease, unable to suppress a grin.

Dropping his sword, Robb's lips twitch at the corners as he looks at me. "I don't understand how you and Jon are so good," he admits, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Shrugging nonchalantly, I make my way to my water pack, taking a long drink before wiping my chin with the back of my hand. "Who knows, really? Maybe it's that motherless grief in us," I reply, the words carrying a touch of melancholy despite the lightness of the moment.

Robb chuckles, shaking his head. "No, if that were true, then Theon would actually be somewhat good," he jests, earning a scoff from Theon, who had been observing our sparring match from the sidelines.

"What a shock, you two ganging up on me," Theon retorts, his tone playful as he stands up to join us. "How about we try a new act for once?"

Walking over to him, I offer a playful shrug. "Sorry, but you're just too easy to make fun of sometimes," I quip, unable to resist teasing him.

Theon rolls his eyes with a grin. "Ha ha, one day you two will see. My name will be in the legends," he declares, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

Playfully hitting his shoulder, I give him an encouraging smile. "And I don't doubt it," I assure him, genuine warmth in my voice. Despite his flaws, Theon is a good friend, and I see plenty of potential in him.

Returning my smile with a small one of his own, Theon stands up, dusting himself off. "Alright, you two. I'm off. The whorehouses must be missing me," he quips, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he bids us farewell.

Taking a seat next to Robb after Theon takes his leave, I settle in comfortably as we discuss the events of the day. "So, what did you think about the Royal Highnesses?" I inquire, curiosity lacing my tone as I turn to face him. "The Queen definitely lives up to the rumors."

     "Yeah but she's no match for you just yet." He says obviously playing around making me laugh.

Amusement dances in Robb's eyes as he continues, his voice tinged with a hint of disbelief. "The King though is very different than how he was explained in the stories," he remarks, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

I nod in agreement, a small chuckle escaping me. "You noticed that too?" I ask, sharing in his amusement.

Robb's smile fades slightly as he continues, his expression turning thoughtful. "Something that doesn't quite sit right with me is my sister's infatuation with that Prince Joffrey," he admits, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.

Wrapping my arms around my knees, I nod in understanding. "I've tried to snap her out of it, but my efforts seem to be falling on deaf ears," I confess with a sigh. "What if we're wrong, though? What if they are just rumors?"

"I wish they were, but something's telling me it's not," Robb replies, his gaze troubled as he looks at me. His concern is palpable, and I feel a pang of worry in my chest.

Placing my hand on his arm, I cock my head to the side, silently urging him to share his thoughts. "What's wrong?" I ask softly, my voice filled with concern.

"I have a gut feeling," he confesses, his voice heavy with uncertainty. "That things are changing for the worst, and I know it might sound ridiculous, but I've been having it for a while now."

Squeezing his arm gently, I offer him a reassuring smile. "Change is scary, Robb," I say softly, my voice tinged with empathy.

He sighs, his gaze dropping to the ground. "Yeah, and everything will be changing between us too," he adds, his words laden with significance.

The Songs of Winter | Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now