Chapter 6

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Sitting on my bed with a peacefully sleeping Rickon nestled under my arm, I lean back against the headboard, sighing softly. Since Bran's fall, Winterfell seems to have shifted its balance. Lady Catelyn hasn't left Bran's side, leaving Robb and me to care for Rickon. Every night, Rickon seeks comfort in one of our rooms, and I've been singing him to sleep or sharing stories to ease his mind.

Three gentle knocks on my wooden door interrupt my thoughts, I respond with a quiet "Come in."

Robb enters my room, closing the door softly behind him, careful not to disturb Rickon. "Still asleep?" he asks, settling on the edge of my bed.

I nod, gently stroking Rickon's head as he snuggles closer to me. "Sound asleep," I confirm.

"How are you holding up? I've noticed you haven't been joining us for dinner as of late," Robb remarks, concern evident in his voice.

Shrugging, I admit, "Not feeling very hungry, I suppose."

A resigned sigh comes from Robb as his eyes fill with concern "You know you can talk to me, right? I understand how much Bran's accident has affected you, but don't shut me out. My mother already has, and I don't want to lose you too," Robb implores, his eyes searching mine and sitting down next to me on the bed.

Guilt washes over me as I realize the impact of my withdrawal. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shut you out," I apologize sincerely.

Robb reaches for my spare hand, shaking his head gently. "I'm not angry with you. These past few days have been hard on all of us," he reassures me.

Nodding, I manage a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "I heard you bested the prince in a spar," I mention, attempting to change the subject.

Robb scoffs, his expression darkening. "More like I shattered his ego into pieces. That guy's insufferable."

"Really that bad?" I inquire, intrigued.

Robb nods grimly. "Just about. And to think Sansa will be marrying him..."

My mood dampens at the thought of Sansa's and Arya's impending departure to King's Landing with Ned. Sensing my change in demeanor, Robb quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up."

I shake my head, managing a weak smile. "It's alright. I guess your instincts earlier on about things changing were spot on."

"Yeah, but I wish they weren't," Robb admits, echoing my sentiment.

Sighing Robb gets up from my bed running a hand over his tired face "I'll take Rickon from here. You deserve some rest," Robb offers, concern evident in his voice.

"And what about you? When your father leaves, you'll be in charge of Winterfell. You'll be more exhausted than I'll ever be," I retort. "Let me take care of Rickon now, and you can prepare for the duties you'll soon have to fulfill."

Robb's lips quirk up slightly. "Fine, but I'll check on you later."

"No need, Robb Stark. I can take care of myself," I reply firmly.

"That's my job." Robb responds with a teasing smile, his eyes filled with warmth as he leaves the room.


"I think I'll maybe miss you the most," Sansa says softly as we embrace.

Her words tug at my heartstrings, and I gently stroke her back. "Can't say the same. I'll definitely miss Arya the most," I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

Sansa playfully pushes me back, a smile gracing her lips. "That wench? Yeah, right."

Arya's voice interrupts from inside the carriage. "Hey! I heard that," she calls out.

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