the factory

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*quake is driving the car with flare,freeze and moon* flare: I thought you told me you know how to drive. quake: duh in Mario kart. *The car behind them is the villains getting away* *then flare opens the door and lets freeze goes and uses his thunder whip to stop the villains and they are gone* *the other three come out of the car and it crashes* flare: I just got that car. *we saw someone with claws run away to the city and we see just one there and we run and attack him* flare takes out his blades and same as freeze and moon* *flare appears to him and about to cut his head until a another one appear in him and attack flare and blast him and it's called goo and acid*
(Quake and flare vs acid)
Acid storm: you weak heroes know nothing about fighting. *Quake turns on her power and runs to him to punch him and he shoots a acid in Front of her and she uses her wind power to blow herself away* *flare and quake knows with both of us running around wont help so they thought of smth* *flare makes clone and acid fights the clones and flare and quake screams and fused into something stronger then flare and quake* new hero: I'm now takumi *he throws a hurricane and puts fire in it* FLAME HURRICANE *it starts blowing his acid away and takumi runs and punches acid and hoping to die*

(Moon and freeze vs goo)
Goo: DIE *he shoots 10 goo dragons and moon slashes them all the freeze shoots a thunder bolt and goo blocks it and they get tired and after a lot of trying freeze froze the floor and making it hard for goo to move and he summons more goo dragons and moon throws shooting stars and cuts goo head off and takumi punches acids head off and the heros win* *quake and flare defused and flare calls speedy and tell them that one is going to the city*.

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