start of a new beginning

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*flame sees the villain about to hit him*
Villain: *his blade takes out wind and he hits flame but it doesn't hurt him and the villain sees flames spear*
Flame: *water waves ripple*
*Flame uses his mother's moves to block the attack*
*Two more gang members appear behind him*
Flame: *in his mind* I see one has fire and the other has lightning.
*He grabs onto his spear and does a movement like water flow and blocks the attack*
Flame: *talks in an unrecognizable voice* a three on one really? Well let's get this started.
*The three gang members get their sword ready and flame takes out his spear*
Flame: well I could train my water powers then.
*He sees the lightning one move first so flame does a water flow moment again and blocks the attack then does a strike attack killing one of the gang members*
Flame: *in his mind* one down two more to go.
*The wind member jumps in now and rushes in and clashes his sword with the spear*
Flame: come on I just got it. *He jumps up and cuts the guy's head in half then he sees the last one attack him with a trust*
Really a fire trust how weak.
*He was a trust with his spear to the guys heart killing him*
Flame: I envy all of you
*Around flame he sees lasers pointing at him and he jumps up and blocks the blast*
Flame: that was close.
*He lands behind one and cuts their arm off and stabs his heart*
Flame: if you want to fight me at least be at my level of strongest.
*Flame continues going to every laser and kills them*
*Then he sees someone going to hit him and it stabs his arm*
Flame: fabric I see.
C tier villain fiber: DIE HERO!!!
*flame sees 10 more fiber strings around to hit him so flame jumps into them and cuts all of them to pieces then he turns around and jumps and kills fiber*
*He sees one of the laser villains so he grabs the guy and takes him to the police*
Flame: *again in an unrecognizable voice* hello I have this criminal here to hand in.
Police: thanks kid but there's still more around.
Flame: oh yeah I killed them all.
Police: oh okay then well if you mind we have some questions kid.
Flame: *he senses something* sorry I gotta go *he leaves*
*He lands at where the senses were at then he sees a building falls on him so he does an air palm and blasts it away*
Flame: thanks for letting me use your powers astral.
Astral: your welcome.
*He sees a whole house getting thrown at him so he does a gale wind at it blasting it back and the person's who threw it breaks it*
Flame: the A tier villain muscles he can use infinite amount of muscle for more a punch.
*Someone comes in and stabs muscles*
Chimera: we must protect everyone!!! You kids get away from here!!!
*Muscle sees chimera and grabs him and punches him and he starts crushing him*
*Flame comes in and punches muscles away*
Flame: get away from here I'll deal with him.
*Muscle comes in again and his elbow clashing with flames small blade*
Muscle: you must be flame volt it's a Honor meeting you and killing you. The way your dressed you look nothing like a hero you look like a mass murderer.
*Flames outfit is covers with blood and old cut marks and burn marks*

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