the mixed of sun and moon

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(Sun balls red...... Purple ball moon)
*The balls of heat and cold mixed to a eclipse balls*
Clash of elements ball.
*Eclipse shoots it and it hits chaos*
Chaos: GET AWAYYY *he makes a loud sound blast and everything is destroyed by over 100 feets*
*They start clashing blades and energy beams and star element*
Eclipse: star element: everlasting eclipse
(FYI eclipse star element is not for attack it's for redusing the amount of damage it's taken while using it and so it's making chaos attacks weaker to the hero)
Everlasting eclipse full moon
Eclipse: *starts losing his power and gives up and fall and solar flare grabs him and the other heros comes to the ground and eclipse is on his knees and decaying*
Eclipse: be strong solar you better kick his ass
*Eclipse body is fully decaying and dies*
*Grounder and Psy comes in the battle and attacks chaos until grounder sees that chaos is going to do a huge decay attack and grounder use his rock powers on the heros to protect them and chaos gets here and grabs grounder and slams him to the floor and grounder dies*
*Psy sees him die*
*It was all black until pay is full a raged and rika goes around him and beats the shit out of chaos*
Psy: you will fucking pay you bitch
*Psy copy's chaos attacks and use them on chaos*
*Flare comes in and grabs Psy and takes him out of the fight*
This is my fight
Chaos: we get to fight again flare
*The heros stand behind flare and they make a elemental shield and signs has summoned from the floor and it has a logo of every element power and they stand and they give the power to flare*
*Full element power*
Flare: this will be the end for you chaos*

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