yin and yang

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Yin: *floating in the air holding lights dead body then she throws it to the ground* how weak.
Yang: you elementals have 1 week to recover and prepare for the final battle of the world.
*Yin and yang warp away*
*All the heroes get warped to headquarters*
Flame: ok elementals rest up and tomorrow we start training.
*All the elementals go into their rooms and rest up*
(In chargebolts room)
*At 2 in the morning chargebolt is sleeping*
*Chargebolts body keeps on twitching and he falls and punches the ground*
*Flame hears him next door and flame walks to chargebolts room and knocks on his door*
*Chargebolt opens the door and sees flame*
Flame: hey bolty are you oka-
*Chargebolt hugs flame tight and he starts crying*
Flame: hey? hey! What's wrong
Chargebolt: it's all my fault everyone is dying because it's my fault flame.
Flame: hey hey bolty don't be hard on yourself we are in this together
*Shadow in the meeting room*
Shadow: guys get over here I found something.
*All the heroes gets up and runs overs to the meeting room and sees shadow*
Shadow: after light has been killed and then flame got blasted away we saw two gods named yin and yang and they were the ones who killed light and then said we have one week to recover and prepare for war then got warped but I was looking at the recording they said something before getting warped.
Flame: let me see *he zooms in and all the heroes watches and clear the background sound and they hear what they said
*From far away they heard*
We'll see your later flame-
Flame: they are here for me.
Shadow: since your the strongest out of us so yeah they must be targeting you. But don't worry we'll be here to help you.
Chargebolt: yeah flame like what you said to me.
Flame: yeah your right *he smiles*
*Everyone walks into their room and goes back to bed*
Flame: *he has a secret room behind his draws and he goes in and grabs his father's old hero costume and it's all filled with scratches and burn marks and we grabs a mouth part and put it on his face and he puts everything on and he sneaks out and put his hand at the door*
Shadow: where are you going flame.
Flame: don't worry about it shadow I'll be back.
Shadow: so what that your their target.
Flame: I'm putting people in danger because of being a target.
Shadow: so let us help you.
Flame: this is something I must do myself now get out of my way.
Shadow: *takes out his scythe* so make me.
Flame: shadow I doing wanna do this.
Shadow: nether do I.
*Flame takes out one of his katanas and clashes with shadow*
Shadow: please flame talk this out!!!
Flame: never!!!
*He kicks shadow and punches him to the battle ground*
Shadow: I guess there's no holding back.
Flame: yup *he shoots a fire blast at shadow but he blocks it and warp himself above of flame and about to his him then he takes out his mother's spear and does a trust and cancels the attack*
Flame: I'm not trying to hurt a friend of mines.
Shadow: so stop this then.
Flame: not even.
*He copies the elemental beam and shoots it at flame and he blocks it with water vortex*
Flame: please let me go.
Shadow: never flame
*They continue clashing blades and hurting each other*
Flame: *kicks upwards to hit shadow then throws him to the wall and takes out a plasma blast symbol*
Flame: I'm sorry shadow
*He shoots the plasma blast at shadow making shadow knocked out in the floor weaken and unable to move*
Flame: please forgive me *he leaves*
(Meanwhile while they were fighting*
*Guns shooting everywhere*
Troop: don't let them escape!! *He gets killed*
Yin: I never knew these humans could be that weak.
Yang: they don't have powers my fellow sibling.
*They break all the villains out and goes from Prison to prison around the country and making an army and attack normal civilians.
*Standing on top of a building seeing all ruins*
Flame: this is what I must do.
*Astral: are you sure.
Flame: yup.
Astral: okay I'll always be by your side.
(In the elemental base)
*Surge walks pass the battle ground and sees shadow on the floor*
Surge: SHADOW!!!
*she runs and grabs him and the others runs in*
Quaker: what happened!!??
Shadow weakened: flame...left..to fight all by himself I couldn't stop him.
Quaker: we must stop him.
Shadow: he was holding back all of those time.
(1 pm)
Flame: hm it's only 1 in the afternoon and it's all dark and cloudy.
*He hears people scream and he runs there*
Flame: the hell is going on!!!
*He sees two dead bodys and three people scared and he grabs them and takes them to safety*
The women: thank you very much sir *she gives him a chocolate ball*
Flame: oh thank you Ma'am it's my pleasure saving you *he smiles*
*He leaves and walks around and eats the balls*
Flame: hm tasty *he smiles*
*Someone comes from above behind flame and is about to hit flame*
Flame: *sense it and he turns and sees the guy*
flame: damn it!!!

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