death after death

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Light: look at you heroes easily being killed by my weak attacks.
(The heroes that are alive are)
*Grounder comes in and gives quake rock arms and they punch light*
Grounder: we need to find another place to hit
Light: me? *he grabs grounders face and rips his face off killing him and quake punches through light and she gets an idea*
Quake: if I put all of my mass into my fist and I can do something no one will ever think.
*She gets hurt and falls to the floor and she grabs lights leg*
*Quake makes a black hole from her body and hurts him heavily and he bleeds everywhere*
Light: 2 down 6 more to go.
Psy: *makes a domain to not let him get out and over use his power and hit light heavily*
Psy: if I use my curse power anymore I'll die but I gotta do what I gotta do
*he makes sure that he used all his power on light making light unable to regenerate or separate for 5 hours*
Psy: (in his body) rika let's do this one last time
*Shadow hands goes around his mouth and chest and arms making him look like a demon of hell*
Psy: *lands a few hits on light until he miss one and light gets behind*
Light: you were one of my favorite ones I fought *he grabs Psy leg making his leg decay with his body*
Psy: (I pass down rika to shadow)
*Psy finished decaying and turns to dust*
Luna: *slash lights arm off and kick him to a building*
Moon shatter blast!!!!
*Rising of the moon*
*Jacobs latter*
*A mark of the moon is in the sky and in the center is where light is and deals heavy damage on him*
Luna: *grabs her blade and runs to light*
I need to hit him now or never!!!!
Light: element beam.
*Flare and wash comes in and protected Luna*
Ink: meteor shower!!!!!!
*Huge rocks and buildings fall on light and he destroys it*
Light: not bad but I'm way stronger then that
*Plasma beam*
*Ink does the same thing and they clash plasma blast and ink blast is stronger and hit light*
*Since Psy is dead the curse that he put light in is done*
*Light has regenerated his missing body parts and Luna hits light and light punches her in the stomach making there be a hole and her dying and Luna does a shooting stars to hit light and Luna falls on the floor and dies*
Ink: *makes 100 ink clones with his ink power and use plasma blast on light*
Ink: this won't kill him but it'll weaken him*
*A loud explosion comes in*
*Light flys up half burnt and remove inks power and destroy it and killing ink*
Ink: damn so this is how it ends I guess *he falls off the building and to the ground and dies*
Flare and wash are the last ones fighting light*
Flare and wash: star elemental
*They both glow and use their power of the god that flare use to kill chaos before in the past
(Since wash couldn't master it flare gave her 50% of his power and gave it to her)
Light: cluster ball *it goes pass wash and hits her*
Wash: whatttt!!!!???!??
Flare: *hits light and gets distracted and light comes from behind and shoots a blast at flare and wash comes in and it hits her and not flare and it starts making wash crumble*
Wash: you were the best thing to ever happen flare.
*She dies*
Flare: *now has 100%
*After punching each other many times they both are almost done for*
Flare: I can't kill him but I'll do something and leave it to the other heros.
*it kills flare and cancel a few of lights powers*
Flare: flame your now the new leader of the elementals lead them and guide them to victory you got this my son.
Flame: DAD
light: *makes minions and take over the world*

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