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Wooyoung is currently 20 years old. Two years have passed in Canada. Two years without all the things back in his home country. But these two years nurtured him well and made him happier and healthier.

Living in a new country can definitely bring about a lot of cultural shocks and adjustments, especially when it comes to settling into university life. From the academic structure to social norms, there's a lot to adapt to.

"Hey Minji! I'm just here, going over some notes for my upcoming exams. Study's been intense, but I'm getting the hang of it. Canada's been treating me well, but man, the cultural differences took some getting used to. How about you?"

Wooyoung sipped his coffee as he smiled at Minji through the screen of facetime.

Minji: "I can imagine! But hey, you're doing great, Wooyoung. And me? Oh, you know, same old, same old. Trying to survive the endless stream of assignments. But hey, at least we can laugh about it, right?"

Wooyoung: "Absolutely! It's all part of the adventure. Hey, remember that time we got lost trying to find that obscure coffee shop?"

Minji: "Oh, how could I forget? We ended up finding the best pizza place instead!"

Wooyoung: "Exactly! It's those unexpected moments that make it all worth it."

Minji: "For sure. Anyway, keep up the good work, Wooyoung. And don't forget to take breaks!"

Wooyoung: "Thanks, Minji. You're the best. Catch you later!"

Minji: "Bye, Wooyoung! Talk to you soon!"

With determination in his eyes, Wooyoung sets himself up at his desk, ready to tackle his assignment. The next two hours fly by as he dives into his work, focused and diligent, pushing through challenges with unwavering perseverance. Each keystroke brings him closer to his goal, and before he knows it, he's made significant progress. Wooyoung's dedication shines through as he demonstrates his commitment to his studies.

As the door creaks open, Park Seonghwa enters the room, his presence immediately bringing a sense of warmth and ease. With a charming smile, he settles next to Wooyoung, his tall stature commanding attention.

"Hey there, Wooyoung," Seonghwa says, his voice soothing and comforting. "Long day?"

Wooyoung nods, removing his glasses and letting out a tired sigh. "Yeah, it's been a bit of a marathon with these assignments."

Seonghwa chuckles softly. "I feel you. Fashion design isn't exactly a walk in the park either. But hey, we're in this together, right?"

Wooyoung nods again, appreciating Seonghwa's supportive presence. "Definitely. Thanks, man."

Seonghwa gives Wooyoung a reassuring pat on the back. "Anytime, buddy. Let's take a breather and recharge. Maybe grab some dinner later?"

Wooyoung's tired expression softens into a grateful smile. "Sounds like a plan."

Seonghwa smirks as he inches closer to Wooyoung. He drags his palm along Wooyoung's neck and chest as he bites his lip.

"Or are you wanting to do something else?"
He asks, mischief in his eyes.

Wooyoung's chuckle mixes with a hint of amusement as he looks at Seonghwa, recognizing his friend's playful nature. Seonghwa's smirk and intimate gesture don't catch him off guard; they're familiar elements of their dynamic. Wooyoung meets Seonghwa's gaze, a knowing glint in his eyes, as he responds with a playful yet affectionate tone, "Seonghwa, you're incorrigible. I'll see later if I want to though." Their bond is built on a mix of friendship and flirtation, adding an extra layer of closeness to their relationship.

Rivalry Rewritten: Enmity to Intimacy ( Volume: 2)Where stories live. Discover now