Fifty One

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Time passed. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Without realising, a lot of time had passed. Seonghwa's hate for Wooyoung diminished with time after he personally met with Mr Choi and signed the contract. Seonghwa and Hongjoong flew back to Canada the same night and Wooyoung never saw Seonghwa again, which was soothing since Seonghwa's presence was suffocating to him.

Wooyoung sat in the quiet ambiance of the tattoo shop, his mind drifting between the anticipation of the tattoo and memories of San. He had chosen this place carefully, wanting a serene atmosphere that matched the gravity of the moment. The tattoo artist, a skilled professional with a calm demeanor, listened attentively as Wooyoung described his vision.

"I want something meaningful," Wooyoung began, his voice soft yet determined. "On my chest, collarbone, and hip."

The artist nodded, her expression understanding. "Do you have a specific design in mind?"

Wooyoung hesitated for a moment, his thoughts racing through the phrases and words that held significance for him and San. "I'm thinking of a Latin quote," he finally said, his voice steady. "Something that reflects strength and love."

The artist smiled gently. "Latin quotes can be powerful. Do you have a particular quote in mind, or would you like some suggestions?"

Wooyoung thought for a moment, recalling the moments he and San shared, the words they exchanged. "How about 'Amor vincit omnia'?" he suggested tentatively. "Love conquers all."

The artist nodded in approval. "A classic choice. It carries a lot of meaning."

Wooyoung smiled faintly, feeling a sense of peace settle over him. "Yes, it does."

They discussed the placement of each tattoo, ensuring they would be both meaningful and aesthetically pleasing. As the artist prepared her tools, Wooyoung's mind wandered back to Jiwoo, his precious daughter who brought light into his life. Her giggles echoed in his ears, a reminder of the joy he found in fatherhood despite the challenges he faced.

As the first needle touched his skin, Wooyoung closed his eyes, letting the pain wash over him. It was a cathartic experience, each stroke of the needle marking not just his body but also his heart. With each tattoo, he felt a sense of closure and renewal, a dedication to San and their love that transcended everything else.

Hours passed in the tattoo shop, but Wooyoung remained steadfast. Each tattoo was a testament to his love, a silent vow etched into his skin. When the final tattoo was completed, he looked at himself in the mirror, seeing the words and symbols that now adorned his body.

"Thank you," Wooyoung said softly to the artist, gratitude filling his voice.

She smiled warmly. "You're welcome. It was an honor to help you commemorate something so meaningful."

Wooyoung nodded, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. As he left the tattoo shop and headed home, he felt a sense of peace settle within him. Jiwoo awaited him, her laughter echoing in his heart, a reminder that despite the challenges of the past, love and hope prevailed.

At home, Wooyoung greeted Jiwoo with a warm smile, scooping her up into his arms. She squealed with delight, reaching out to touch his newly adorned tattoos. Wooyoung chuckled softly, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the little angel who brought so much joy into his life.

As he held Jiwoo close, Wooyoung knew that while the pain of the past lingered, his love for San and his commitment to Jiwoo were guiding lights, leading him toward a future filled with love, hope, and new beginnings.

The doorbell rang, breaking the peaceful evening atmosphere Wooyoung had been enjoying with Jiwoo. He set her down gently, her tiny feet padding across the floor as he made his way to the door. Opening it revealed a joyful reunion as Mingi, Minji, Yunho, Risa, and Yeosang stood there with smiles and excitement written across their faces.

Rivalry Rewritten: Enmity to Intimacy ( Volume: 2)Where stories live. Discover now