Thirty One

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Wooyoung: "Guys, I need to talk to you about something. It's been eating at me."

Mingi: "Sure, Wooyoung. What's up?"

Yeosang: "Yeah, man. We're here for you."

Wooyoung: "It's about me and San. I'm really frustrated because I don't know if our parents will accept our relationship. I mean, we're stepbrothers, and it's... complicated."

Mingi: "That's tough, dude. Have you talked to San about it?"

Wooyoung: "Yeah, we both feel the same way. We want to be together, but the fear of our parents not accepting us is always there."

Yeosang: "I get it. Family acceptance means a lot. But have you considered that they might surprise you? They might just want you to be happy."

Wooyoung: "I hope so, but it’s a big risk. What if they don’t? What if they think it’s wrong?"

Mingi: "Man, I can't imagine how hard that must be. But remember, you're not alone. You have us, and you have San. We'll support you no matter what."

Yeosang: "And maybe... just maybe, your parents will see how much you two care about each other and come around. Love is love, right?"

Wooyoung: sighs "Thanks, guys. I really needed to hear that. It’s just... San and I have been through so much. I don't want to lose him because of this."

Mingi: "You won't. And hey, if they need convincing, we'll be there to back you up. Right, Yeosang?"

Yeosang: "Absolutely. You're our bro, Wooyoung. We got your back, always."

Wooyoung: smiles "Thanks. It means a lot. I just hope for the best and prepare for the worst, I guess."

Mingi: "That's the spirit. And hey, in the meantime, focus on what makes you and San happy. You deserve that."

Yeosang: "Yeah, and who knows? Maybe this karaoke night will lift your spirits a bit. Let's make the most of it."

Wooyoung: "You're right. Thanks, guys. Let's get back to the fun. I need a distraction right now."

Mingi: "That's the spirit! Now, who’s ready to butcher some songs with me?"

Yeosang: "Count me in. Let's do this."

Wooyoung: "Alright, let's go. Thanks again, both of you."

The three friends get up, ready to dive back into the karaoke madness, the weight of Wooyoung's worries a little lighter thanks to his supportive friends.

Wooyoung walked back home, the conversation with Mingi and Yeosang still fresh in his mind. As he entered the house, he saw San in the living room, playing with Jiwoo. San was gently tossing her in the air, her laughter filling the room. The sight made Wooyoung's heart swell with warmth.

San: "Hey, there you are! How was your evening with the guys?"

Wooyoung: smiling "It was good. Needed that. What about you two? Looks like someone’s having fun."

San: "Yeah, she’s been a bundle of energy tonight. Just trying to tire her out before bedtime."

Wooyoung: "She’s lucky to have you, you know. Seeing you with her... it always makes me smile."

San: "And she's lucky to have you, too. We both are."

Wooyoung walked over, watching as Jiwoo giggled in San's arms. He reached out, gently ruffling her hair.

Wooyoung: "You know, watching you with her... it makes me realize how much I want this. Us, together, like this. A family."

San: looking into Wooyoung's eyes "We already are a family. And we'll figure everything else out. Together."

Rivalry Rewritten: Enmity to Intimacy ( Volume: 2)Where stories live. Discover now