Fourty Seven

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Wooyoung woke up to the soft light of dawn filtering through his curtains. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, feeling the lingering tiredness from the previous night's festivities. Carefully slipping out of bed so as not to wake Jiwoo, he tiptoed to the kitchen to start his day.

As the coffee brewed, filling the room with its rich aroma, Wooyoung leaned against the counter, savoring the brief moment of quiet. He poured himself a steaming cup, taking a deep sip and feeling the warmth spread through him.

Just as he began to feel somewhat awake, he heard a series of giggles and soft thumps coming from his room. He turned to see Jiwoo crawling out, her face lighting up with joy when she spotted him.

"Good morning, princess," Wooyoung said, a tired but affectionate smile spreading across his face. "You’re up early today."

Jiwoo giggled and continued to crawl towards him, her movements energetic and full of excitement. Wooyoung set his coffee down and crouched to her level, reaching out his arms.

"Come here, you little rascal," he cooed, scooping her up and planting a kiss on her cheek. Jiwoo responded with more laughter, her tiny hands grabbing at his shirt.

He carried her to the living room and set her down on the soft carpet, watching as she explored the space. "What are you up to this morning, huh? Got any big plans?"

Jiwoo looked up at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Wooyoung chuckled, feeling a pang of nostalgia as he remembered how San used to tease Jiwoo in the same way.

"Oh, are you on a big adventure?" he asked, mimicking San's playful tone. "Going to discover new lands and find hidden treasures?"

Jiwoo responded with a series of happy babbles, clearly enjoying the attention. Wooyoung followed her around, pretending to be an explorer. "Watch out for the dragon, Jiwoo! It’s guarding the treasure!"

He playfully reached out and gently tickled her sides, eliciting more squeals of delight. "Gotcha! The dragon’s been defeated by the brave princess Jiwoo!"

As Jiwoo continued to crawl around, exploring every corner, Wooyoung kept a watchful eye on her, sipping his coffee and chuckling at her antics. "You’re just like your daddy, you know that? Always curious, always full of energy."

Jiwoo paused and looked up at him with a big smile, and Wooyoung felt his heart swell with love and pride. "Yeah, you’re going to do great things, just like him."

He sat back on the couch, letting Jiwoo explore to her heart’s content. She was the bright spot in his life, and watching her grow and learn gave him a sense of purpose and joy he’d never known before.

As the morning went on, Wooyoung found himself lost in the simple, precious moments with Jiwoo. Her giggles and smiles were a reminder of all that was good in the world, and he cherished every second of their time together.

Wooyoung was sipping his coffee, watching Jiwoo as she played with her toys on the living room floor, when his phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and smiled, answering with a cheerful, "Hey, Minji."

"Good morning, Wooyoung! I'm coming over to see you and Jiwoo. Be there in a bit!"

"Great, see you soon," he replied, ending the call and turning his attention back to Jiwoo. "Guess who's coming over, Jiwoo? It's Aunt Minji!"

A short while later, the doorbell rang. Wooyoung opened the door to find Minji standing there, a big smile on her face. "Hey, Wooyoung! Hey, little princess!" she cooed, kneeling down to greet Jiwoo, who babbled happily in response.

"Come on in," Wooyoung said, stepping aside to let her in. Minji walked in, her eyes immediately finding Jiwoo, who was now crawling towards her with a big smile.

Rivalry Rewritten: Enmity to Intimacy ( Volume: 2)Where stories live. Discover now