☾ Break the Ice

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I plan to make this a fun "hard to get" kinda trope cause I'm a sucker for slow burn relationships

also enjoy some reader lore because I decided to give you a sad backstory

 ↳ ❦ Location: Lambad's Tavern

You decided to go out and get lunch with Nilou, Cyno, and Collei before your next photoshoot today. Luckily everyone had lunch at the same time. Cyno was taking a break from filming his roles for the spy movie, Collei was relaxing since she was an influencer and could work whenever, and Nilou was taking a break from her upcoming choreography video. You were going to shoot for a makeup company after lunch so you had some downtime until then.

The four of you met in the Lambad's Tavern in hoods to cover your faces; the goal was to avoid the public eye otherwise the entire tavern would be in shambles. It was fun getting to catch up and eat a nice lunch. Full transparency, you felt like a husk when your friends weren't present during your photoshoots. Sure, your face depicted beautiful expressions but behind those alluring eyes you were dull. You were grateful for your fame and fortune, but everyone felt so inauthentic that it made you feel drained not too far into the photoshoot. Eating lunch with Cyno, Collei, and Nilou was the equivalent of recharging your tolerance battery.

"So where did you disappear off to the other night at The Balladeer?" Nilou teased while smirking at you. "I looked everywhere for you but you weren't to be found."

You chuckled and gave her a gentle smile. There was no possible way you could tell her that you were with Scaramouche. The drop of his name would be enough to send everyone within earshot into a panic. You decided to try and steer her off the topic. "I thought I saw someone familiar down the hall, so I went to see who it was. Needless to say, I found someone alright but left immediately."

"Did you see some unholy antics?" Cyno chuckled before taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"Yeah, you could say that," you replied with a giggle. You decided to take a sip of your iced coffee as well, swirling the cup around before directing the attention at Cyno. "What about you? I couldn't find you or Tighnari anywhere."

Cyno's blush was visible on his tan skin. He grunted and avoided eye contact before muttering in a low voice. "We left earlier than planned."

The three of you girls chuckled much to Cyno's embarrassment. Nilou was now focused on poking fun at Cyno rather than knowing about what you were doing. It was easy to get the attention off of you; it came naturally to you since you constantly did your best to get eyes off you. However, there was going to be one person in your life you wouldn't be able to divert away from you.

"I always get what I want, one way or another."

You shivered at the thought of his words. Was he actually serious? Was he really going to pursue you after you had rejected his advances numerous times? Your eyes wandered toward your drink to look at the gorgeous brown color. Maybe he was bluffing.

The sounds of people at a nearby table caught your attention. You tried your best to not listen to their pointless banter but you couldn't help but be drawn to their conversation due to your name being said:

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