☾ Heaven on Earth*

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 ↳ ❦ Location: Cloudnine Therapy Center

BREAKING NEWS: Luminex Inc, the hiring company of the late actor Saizo Kurado, is expected to pay over $1 million mora in fines to those who were harmed by their previous actor. The month-long investigation and court trial revealed that the late actor had a long history of abusing those around him whether it was physical or emotional. Other lawsuits are coming to light to sue the company for hiding issues under the rug or paying hush money for silencing anyone who knew. Many rising actors are now ending their contracts with the company to avoid having bad press.

BREAKING NEWS: Investigators now want to look into another hiring company, known as Vajrada Studios, due to the recent interview that featured their top model y/n l/n, formally known as Bunny. Celebrity private investigator, Charlotte - who is known for her celebrity documentaries and magazines under the name of Verity - is determined to understand more about the complex mysteries of these big-name label companies and what they are hiding. Charlotte claims: "I will not stop until I get the full story! I need to know more about y/n. I need the truth."

It's been a month since the death of Saizo. All of Sumeru was in an uproar about the entire situation. Originally, there was going to be a public mourning service for Saizo, but because of recent protests and revolts, that idea was swept under the rug. Only those who were close to Saizo attended his funeral. Naturally, you were not invited, not that you would have gone anyway. Your mother planned to go, but due to you airing out the bad history between you and Saizo, she was also not invited.

You've been seeing Dr. Nishimura for a month now. After the interview, she reached out to you so that you could get counseling. She felt strongly that you saw her so that she could help you cope with the past and the present. She could see you never truly healed from what Saizo did to you, and she made it her goal to give you an opportunity to heal and grow from the situation.

It's been nice getting to talk about your past. No one ever allowed you to learn how to cope with what happened, so it was nice getting it all off your chest. Your career was on a brief pause. You haven't done any photoshoots ever since the incident. Your fans understood, and no one pressured you to do anything. Well, your mother tried to convince you to model to distract yourself, but that was because she didn't like her income being on pause. She had to budget her money for now, something she thought was only meant for "poor people."

"We've talked a lot about what Saizo did to you in the relationship. How about we shift to now? How are you feeling now, especially the night of his death?" Dr. Nishimura asked, her voice calm and sweet.

Her therapy office was so pleasant. The entire room was earth-tone colors and had many plants that gave the room a nice aroma. The couch you were lying on was a beautiful sage green and had leaf-shaped pillows on it. You were currently hugging an emotional support Squishmallow that was a green axolotl. There was an automatic incense that was spraying a mist that smelled of sage and sandalwood. You felt so at peace here. It was nice and comforting.

"I feel nothing. I wake up every day and I just feel numb. I don't want to do anything," you replied, your eyes staring at the ceiling. Your demeanor has completely changed after witnessing Saizo die. You felt unmotivated to do anything. The thought of modeling made you bored. All you've done recently was wake up, feed yourself, lounge around, and sleep.

"Do you want to try a different medication? Do you think it's the side effects of your antidepressants, or is it the situation?" Dr. Nishimura asked. She recently prescribed you to start taking antidepressants to help with the excessive crying and flashbacks. Every time you slept, you'd get horrific flashbacks of him dying. The lifeless gaze. The blood leaking onto you. The way he punched you in the eye and choked you. All of it haunted you. She wanted to prescribe you medicine to help combat these horrific scenes, but now she was having to battle your newfound disinterest in everything.

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