☾ Womanizer*

578 24 22


Scara: you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid

enjoy some ✨ spice ✨ I wanted to write hehe

↳ ❦ Location: The Balladeer Nightclub

The workweek has been an absolute shit show for you. There were many photoshoots you attended due to networking at the gala a few weeks ago. As per usual, your mother was the ringleader for every photoshoot you had. You grew tired of her attitude and couldn't wait to not be around her. Today you were supposed to be at a meeting about hiring a ghost-writer for your Twitter, but you ghosted the event because you were sick of seeing your mother. Not only that, but you didn't want a ghostwriter. No one asked what you wanted, but then again, no one on your team ever did.

Your phone was full of texts from your mother about how "disappointed" she is and how you're "an ungrateful brat." You read the texts while sipping a glass of an alcoholic drink you ordered. Nilou, Cyno, and Collei were with you and were talking at the table while you read the angry texts from your mother. There was a cheeky smirk on your face while you read the paragraphs about how much of a "shitty person" you are.

"Want to share with the class, y/n?" Nilou chuckled. She took a sip of the champagne that she ordered.

"If you want to hear all about how I'm the worst person in the world for not getting a ghostwriter for my social media, then sure," you snickered. You showed your friends the large paragraphs your mother was writing, to which no one was surprised but disappointed.

"All of that over a ghostwriter? If that's the worst thing to ever happen in her life, that's a damn good life," Cyno teased.

The reason for your mother's outburst is because you refuse to comment on photos from the gala. A photographer got a picture of Saizo trying to talk to you - one of you two alone and another with Verosika. Twitter was blowing up with speculations about how two superstar exes were talking to each other. Your mother saw this as a perfect opportunity to get involved and possibly start "an amazing headline," but you had no interest in entertaining anything that involved Saizo. You didn't need Saizo to keep your career afloat, and you also didn't want to be associated with him.

"No wonder you ghosted that meeting. I wouldn't want my official account to mention that bastard's name or his lame bitch," Collei scoffed. She covered her mouth after speaking. "Sorry... that was the alcohol talking. I mean... I do feel that way but-"

"We love you, Collei," you chuckled before taking another sip of your drink.

The four of you sat in your usual booth at the club and watched the sea of people dancing. Tonight your section was roped off so you four could pre-game in peace before going out to dance. Everyone was feeling like the right kind of buzz, so the four of you got up to join the people on the dance floor. Tonight you wanted to dance out your problems and not think about anything related to your mother or Saizo. You didn't like how involved they were getting lately.

Tonight a handful of celebrities were here. The four of you joined the floor with Tighnari and his friend group. Cyno and Tighnari immediately gravitated toward each other while Nilou, Collei, and you stayed near but anticipated breaking off at some point. You said your hellos to Tighnari and his friends before losing yourself in the music. The light buzz you were feeling from the alcohol mixed with the flashing lights and vibrating music made you feel excited to dance.

You wore a gorgeous tight-fit dress that was off-shoulder and had cute sleeves. It was short and ended high on your upper thigh, so twirling your hips and grinding in the club made it scandalous since the dress rode up a lot. The top of the dress was made of lace and accented your chest size perfectly while the rest of the dress was made of silk. You wore pretty heels that matched the color of the dress as well as flashy, expensive jewelry that complimented the overall look. Tonight you looked so alluring and sexy which made you feel good about yourself. You needed at least one day this week to feel good. Tonight was going to be all about you.

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