☾ Overprotected

304 16 26


the angstit burns

 ↳ ❦ Location: Wangshen Funeral Parlor

BREAKING NEWS: Another celebrity's life has been lost. The beloved mother and manager of Sumeru's beloved model Bunny - (mother's name) l/n - was reported dead a few days ago. The cause of death appears to be linked to drug overdose which is currently still under investigation. When will the culture of drugs finally disband within our city? How many more lives will be lost to these addictive drugs?

BREAKING NEWS: Police are now investigating the matter surrounding the mysterious death of the deceased celebrity (mother's name) l/n. Autopsy confirms that the cause of death was due to drug exposure, but forensics are looking into the matter from a deeper perspective. There has been an alarming increase in drug incidence and death rates in Sumeru, so this occurrence has only sparked further investigation into cracking down on the drug suppliers.

The whispers and glances from those around you made you feel dark and sullen. You've never felt so small before in your life. Those who used to work with your mother were staring at you with upset glances as if they could decipher the pain you were hiding underneath. There were a lot of people visiting the funeral today. The audience ranged from those who worked with your mother to those who either grew up with her or knew her in some fashion.

Her casket was closed since she always hated the idea of being looked down on. There was a large portrait of her above the casket so that those could pay their respects. Some candles were glowing on the table behind the casket. Bags of gifts and peace offerings were placed around the casket as well. You had already paid your respects to your mother, so you were sitting in the back of the room, eyes watching carelessly as others went and prayed to the casket.

"Surely you're not sitting in the back at your own mother's funeral. What would she think?"

Your eyes didn't care to look over at the familiar voice of Sae. You only ever spoke to Sae whenever there was a pressing matter concerning work. Your mother was the one who always dealt with the witch's attitude. Growing up, you never liked the woman. She had a dark aura around her and her demeanor never gave off a positive impression. Today she wore a black suit, something that looked like an outfit your mother would wear.

"I've already spent my time up there. Why should I sit up there when there are other people who want to pay respects?" you retorted, your eyes never once looking up at Sae.

The woman chuckled before sitting down next to you. She seemed rather intrigued by your lack of consideration despite knowing she had the ability to ruin your career. "You and I need to have a little chat. Care to have it here?"

"We're at a funeral-"

"Business happens at all times of the day. It'd be in your best interest to listen to me," Sae interjected, cutting you off before you could finish speaking. There was no option. You were going to talk to her here and now. This is how she always operates. Whenever she wants to speak, she'll speak. It's just like talking to your mother.

"What is it you want?" you muttered, your voice sounding very irritated and annoyed. Why did she have to have a conversation about business at your mother's funeral? Surely she had some morals in her cold heart. It appeared not. You continued to avoid eye contact since you didn't want to look her in the eyes. She always reminded you of a snake - waiting to strike at the right moment.

"It's pertaining to your career. It's rather important and it was a conversation your mother and I were having, so it's only natural to extend this to you," Sae replied, her voice calm and collected. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Your mother and I grew up together, as you know. We always loved making deals with each other to increase our earnings. Well, we made a deal before her passing, but now that she's gone and you're her next of kin, it's your responsibility to pick up the tab."

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