☾ Gimme More*

475 12 9

oh they fucking

here's a lil porn before I give you some plot

↳ ❦ Location: Bunny's Estate

It was rather early in the morning, but you needed to get up. Today you had a lingerie photoshoot with Cyno, so you needed to start getting ready. You hated leaving the bed since Scaramouche was keeping you warm, but you had to do what was necessary for work. You felt fine going to work today since Cyno would be there to buffer any issues if they were to surface.

You were taking a hot shower, washing your body with lavender-scented soap that was alluring. The bathroom connected to your room was large, so the odds of Scaramouche waking up due to the sounds of water were low. It was a large shower with marble floors and glass doors that opened; there was even a spot emerging from the wall that served as a relaxing lounge chair.

You hummed to yourself while you washed your body, the suds of soap trailing down your wet, bare skin. Last night you had a long, fun time with Scaramouche so you needed to wash off your habits. The inside of your thighs were coated with hickeys so you planned to cover those with your own makeup before heading out to avoid any earfuls from your bitch of a manager.

Now that you were clean and satisfied, your hand reached to turn off the water, but the feeling of a hand grabbing yours caught you off guard. A gasp would have left your lips if Scaramouche hadn't covered them with his hand. You were now facing him, your mouth still covered and your eyes wide since you almost fainted. He chuckled at your expression.

"If you were a target of mine you'd be so easy to kill," Scaramouche snickered. He was still naked from last night since the two of you slept nude. His eyes wandered all over your wet, warm skin. He felt something stirring inside of him from looking at you. "I don't think I'm ready to let you go yet."

You swatted his hand off your mouth so you could speak. "Scaramouche, I have to go to work. Some of us have normal jobs," you teased, although you were being serious. You had about an hour and thirty minutes to be at the photoshoot.

"The traffic excuse never hurt anybody," Scaramouche snickered. His eyes wandered all over your naked body, loving the way the water followed the curves of your body. "Just a little more time for me. Please~"

"You had me all night. You'll be fine," you defended. You tried to push him off of you but he wouldn't budge. You did want to go another round with him, but you really didn't want to be late, only because Cyno was there.

"No fair..." Scaramouche pouted. His hands began to wander down your body, one hand caressing one of your boobs while the other snaked to your sex. "I won't get to feel this body of yours for a while because I have to be out of town." He smirked while one of his fingers pinched your nipples, the other one slowly circling your clit.

You couldn't contain the moans that were starting to leave your lips. Scaramouche had only recently started fucking you and he already knew what drove you crazy - what a fast learner, unlike some other people. Your body fell into his, your back rubbing against his lean, muscular body that was that holding you up. His fingers continued to toy with your sensitive buds, his lips attaching to your neck to lick and suck the area. It became harder and harder to tell him no now that he was giving you attention like this.

"Mhmm... fine... but you have to be faster this morning," you muttered, finally giving in to your desires. As long as he was quick and to the point you wouldn't be late, right?

Scaramouche chuckled. "Fast? I don't get to enjoy you?" His voice got lower with each thing he said. "I can't taste that sweet pussy of yours?" Two of his fingers pushed past your entrance, curling inside of you to start pushing against your sweet spots. "I can't play with those pretty nipples?" Scaramouche began to pinch and squeeze one of your nipples, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers. "I gotta make sure my pretty girl's all wet and ready for me, don't I?"

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