☾ I Wanna Go

260 15 9

↳ ❦ Location: Bunny's Estate

"Hello, my sweet fluffles~"

The smile on your face was small, one that could be registered as forced. Your eyes could be read as saddened, which fit your expression while you stared into the camera. You propped your phone on the vanity, your body covered with an oversized, off-shoulder shirt. The livestream was flooded with many emotes such as hearts, fireworks, and heart eyes. Your fans always hyped you up, which made you chuckle a little.

"It's been a while since I've been on stream. I missed you guys," you hummed, watching the flood of comments in the chat.


The baddest bitch ever.

Drop the sweater website pls it looks so comfy.

You're so pretty omg omg.

The sweet comments from your fans made your heart hurt. If there was one thing that you loved about being a model, it was the supportive fanbase you had. You genuinely loved your fans. Everyone was so kind and caring to you. There were many times during your early career when you'd read the massive amounts of fan comments, smiling from ear to ear while you saw the sweet compliments about your appearance and personality. Your fans definitely helped you through the hard times you faced.

"I have some news to tell you. I'm not sure how you all will take it, but, I have something to get off my chest," you stated, your small smile dropping back to the sullen look you had.

Your phone was currently on 'Do Not Disturb' since you told your friends what was going on. You hadn't shown up to any photoshoots that Sae set for you. She had been spamming your phone with angry texts since you were bailing on her. Your friends understood your decision so they gave you some space. You figured everything was going to start heading downhill after today. Deep down you felt it, so you wanted to get closure.


"Do you really mean it?"

Tears formed in Collei's eyes, her lips pouting while she hugged you. Your arms were gently wrapped around her while she embraced you. Cyno and Nilou sat beside you, Cyno's face looking blank, meanwhile, Nilou seemed upset. You had finished telling them about your upcoming plan this weekend. Since they were your best friends and solid support system for so long, it only seemed fair to be honest about your intentions from here on out.

"I'm sorry, but yes. I think this is best for me," you replied, your expression seeming exhausted but determined. The past few nights you've been troubled with your emotions. Sleeping was difficult due to the overwhelming worry you felt about your career and those around you.

It's been a month since your mother's funeral. Things were supposed to go back to normal according to Sae and your modeling company. The first week of your revolt, no one seemed to care and they wrote it off as you being grief-stricken. As soon as the second week came, Sae began to grow impatient and would remind you of the debt you needed to pay off. Now that a month has passed, she'd been very persistent, sending you paragraphs of texts about how you owe her your life and that you will work for her whether you like it or not. She even said she'd work you until you die.

"Are you sure you can legally do this? Won't Sae do something to you?" Nilou asked.

"I don't care anymore. To hell with Sae," you scoffed, your voice souring at the thought of that evil woman.

All she's done since your mother's death is make your life hell. Modeling was supposed to be a passion for you, but now she was making it a debt-collecting job. Sure, being a high-profile model, loads of money came to you which only made your job better. You had a genuine passion for modeling, loving how it felt to pose in various clothing and makeup aesthetics. It was now becoming some tiresome job where Sae would hang a pricetag over your head, wagging it back and forth while she reminded you of your mother's death.

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