☾ Mind Your Business

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**TRIGGER WARNING: PTSD / trauma and past abuse in this chapter. please read with caution if this is triggering.

↳ ❦ Location: Bunny's Estate

"I don't care what you want. You're going to this premiere party."

"What the fuck do I gain for going to my ex's party?"

Madam sighed in frustration. She's been arguing with you for a while now about this subject. You knew something fishy was going to come up when she asked if she could bring you over a pizza and wine dinner. She never casually visits you, let alone bring you dinner. Now here you were, angrily eating your pizza and avoiding your wine because you promised Scara you'd stop drinking so much.

"There will be so many celebrities and press there. Do you know how many managers I can connect with at this party? I need you there for show and tell. For fuck's sake, y/n, I know what's best for you and your career yet you sit here and whine and bitch when I try to help you," Madam scoffed. She took a sip of her wine and swirled the cup to occupy her shaking hand.

"I don't want to be anywhere near Saizo or his bitch girlfriend. You've already made me go around them too much for my liking, and I'm done. I'm literally the top model in the industry, I don't need Saizo's shitty premiere party to get deals," you scoffed. You angrily chewed your pizza while staring at the box. Looking at your mother pissed you off, so you tried to control yourself by avoiding her gaze.

Madam shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, y/n. It's not like I've built your entire career for you. I've always known how to keep you on top, yet this is how you speak to me... your mother . Do you understand what I've sacrificed for you? How much I've left behind so that you can have this little title of yours?"

"Respectfully, I won't be there. I'm done with Saizo and anything that is related to him," you retaliated. You were tired of hearing about how your mother has built this career for you. You never asked to be a model, your mother sold you to the industry at such a young age you couldn't even legally argue. You stood from your chair and began to walk away.

In a flash, a wine glass was thrown past you and smacked the wall. As quick as an instinct, your body froze at the sight of the broken glass and wine on the floor. You turned around and your eyes widened. Your body quickly moved to the side to avoid the large wine bottle that was thrown at you. The large bottle smacked the wall and broke into many small shards, more wine spilling onto the floor. Flashbacks began to resurface in your mind, causing you to freeze in place.

First, it started off with Saizo throwing glasses at the wall.

Then, it became Saizo throwing glasses at you.

Next, it was Saizo hitting or shoving you.

Finally, it was Saizo hitting you with the wine bottle.

Yet all the public knew was that you were somehow a drunkard who was 'saved' by Saizo, a man of righteousness and love.

You felt tears come to your eyes. Your body was trembling with the flashbacks that resurfaced. Your mother knew damn good and well what happened to you, yet she had no problem with triggering your trauma. Tears started to stream down your cheeks while you stood in fear. Your mother approached you and hugged you against her, yet your arms remained flat by your side.

"Now, y/n, you know that I hate to act so harshly. I don't mean it, you just upset me is all. I've worked so hard to ensure you have this amazing career that allows you to have beautiful luxuries like this house and your favorite clothes," Madam said gently, her hands moving to rub your back in an attempt to comfort you. She broke the embrace to look at you with a sweet smile. "Forgive me, that was very rude of me to do that. You need to listen to me. You will attend this party, and you will obey what I say. A mother knows what's best for her daughter. The premiere party is tomorrow at 8 p.m. I will send a car to come pick you up so that I know you will be there."

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