☾ Outrageous*

341 10 17

↳ ❦ Location: Scara's Penthouse

It's been nice living in isolation for weeks. Ever since the awful premiere party, you've been MIA. Because your team is used to stuff like this, old pictures of you were being posted to make it seem as if you were still around. In reality, you've been gone for two weeks. Your phone was blown up with texts from your mother and PR team. The only people you would answer were your friends, letting them know you were fine but were hiding. They understood and refused to tell anyone about you.

Scaramouche would leave periodically for his own missions. Sometimes he'd only be gone for a couple of hours, but other times he'd leave for days. Either way, it felt nice to wake up with him next to you or be surprised when he snuck in without a sound. Luckily, he was here tonight, and you were happy to be spending the evening with him. The two of you were on the balcony that overlooked the city. This penthouse was on the outskirts of Sumeru, so you had a beautiful view of the main part of the city. He figured he'd make you stay here to be as far as possible from everyone.

"Such a beautiful view isn't it?"

"The view of the city. The view of you on your knees, mouth full of my dick."

The sounds of you sucking and slurping against Scaramouche's cock resonated in the area. You were on your knees, one hand on his thigh and the other gripping the base of his length, with your mouth bobbing up and down his cock. One of his hands was lost in your hair, fingers intertwined with your pretty strands. You'd occasionally look up at him with your beautiful eyes, mouth sucking all over his thick length that stuffed you full. His cock would twitch whenever you'd look at him, precum spilling into the back of your mouth.

Nothing made you feel sexier than Scaramouche's praises whenever you two were intimate. Sure, as a model, you received endless compliments and praises, but nothing felt genuine like his. He would tilt his head back occasionally, closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of your tongue rubbing up and down his cock. Your cheeks would suck in and squeeze against his length, coating his dick full of your saliva. You'd bob your head up and down at a perfect pace with perfect movements, your hand gripping the base of what wouldn't fit in your mouth.

"Look all nice and pretty for me," Scaramouche hummed, taking his phone out to take a few pictures of you sucking his dick. You decided to give him a little bit of a show by licking slowly up his length, kissing the tip and sides of his cock, and smacking it against your tongue, with your eyes either closed or looking at him. His cock throbbed, more precum leaking, at the sight of you giving him a little show.

He set his phone down, satisfied with the pictures he was going to use for his pleasure during his missions where he was away from you. He then began to relive in the moment, his fingers gripping your hair while you pleasured him with your mouth. He groaned quietly, your tongue starting to rub the underside of his tip while your cheeks sucked him. Your other hands moved to gently stroke his balls, your fingertips gently rubbing the sensitive mounds, which caused him to leak into your mouth again.

"Fuck... such a good girl," Scaramouche moaned, his hand starting to push you up and down his length. He could feel his length twitching in your mouth, signaling that he was going to cum soon. "You want me to fill that pretty mouth up with my cum?"

You couldn't necessarily answer back, so you hummed in response around his cock. He began to push you further down his length, his tip smacking the backside of your throat. Slight gagging noises could be heard despite your mouth being stuffed. You closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling of Scaramouche using your mouth as he wanted. Your tongue was coated in saliva and precum, loving the way his slit leaked into your mouth due to the pleasure he was receiving.

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