☾ Can't Make You Love Me*

295 14 15

TW: violence + death scene occurs. read with caution if sensitive to such themes

shoutout to Minchkiin for the dress suggestion hehe

 ↳ ❦ Location: Bunny's Estate

"Do you have to go to this? Why not stay here with me?"

"Quit whining, you big baby. It's my friend's party, I can't miss this night."

You sat at your large makeup vanity, giving your face the touches you desired. Tonight you wore a gorgeous red, glittery dress that accentuated your body beautifully. The dress had no sleeves or anything, it began at the curve of your chest and hugged your figure fully. There was a long slit on one side of the dress, showing off your beautiful, bare leg when you walked. You decided to wear an expensive diamond necklace and matching dangling diamond earrings. You wore purple long gloves that ended just a little below your shoulder.

Scaramouche pouted, lying on the small couch in your room while you finished getting ready. You looked so damn sexy it was killing him. He looked like a pouting puppy, sad he couldn't have you all to himself. "So? It's not like your friends are going to dick you down like I'm about to-"

"No vulgarity during makeup time," you chuckled, interrupting him while you finished doing your makeup. Scaramouche ended up whining more because you cut him off. "This dress is too expensive for you to try any funny business. I don't need cum stains on me before this event."

Tonight Cyno was hosting a huge party to celebrate the movie that he and Alhaitham were starring in. The duo were playing the main characters of a comedy, action, and spy-themed movie. The plot revolved around these two handsome men, who appeared cold and intimidating, trying to save a sweet girl who was being played by a famous actress Nahida - known for doing a good job at portraying young characters. Cyno and Alhaitham rented out a rooftop and invited many friends and acquaintances.

Scaramouche wasn't too happy about it. He was fine with your friends, but he wanted to spend time with you. A mischievous thought came to mind. If you wouldn't let him fuck you in that dress, he'd think of other ways to pleasure you. He got off the couch and snuck off somewhere into your closet, rummaging through your things. You rolled your eyes, thinking he was going to steal more of your things to keep. He was basically starting a storage closet filled with stuff he'd stolen from you.

Now that all was done, you smiled to yourself. You looked so beautiful it was unreal. Standing from your vanity chair, you turned around but was immediately pinned down onto the dresser. You looked at Scaramouche in confusion. "What are you-"

Scaramouche covered your mouth with his hand, preventing you from speaking. "I'm going to have a little taste of my pretty girl before she leaves to socialize since you won't let me fuck you," Scaramouche whispered, his voice so low and hot. He then pushed two fingers into your mouth, which you started to suck on. "You can't wear such a tight, sexy dress around me and expect me to not want you. I bet you did that on purpose, huh?"

You couldn't answer since you were sucking on his fingers, but you could feel your pussy throbbing from his words. He leaned against your neck, avoiding the necklace and kissing your neck. You started to melt against the vanity, your body relaxing while your lover touched you. His other hand found its way under your dress, fingers moving your panties down your legs to uncover your pretty cunt. You hated how needy you were for Scaramouche whenever he got you riled up.

You wanted to curse because you could feel him leaving a hickey on your neck. His smartass would do that before you had an important event. All you could do was moan against his fingers that pushed against your tongue, his lips so soft against your skin that it made you feel tingly. Once he was satisfied with his work, he looked you in the eye. "You're mine, yeah?"

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