☾ Criminal

498 21 31


Scara has a habit of spawning wherever you're at

maybe he has a tracker on your phone... who knows ;)

↳ ❦ Location: Opulent Pavilion Hall

Every six months important celebrities would gather in a luxurious banquet hall that was owned by an old rich couple who used to be famous movie stars during their prime. Events like this were vital for your career since you were given the opportunity to make connections as well as have an excuse to dress fancy. There would be a red carpet outside of the hall with ropes blocking off the stairs. Paparazzi would swarm behind the velvet ropes and cameras would illuminate constantly to get good pictures of celebrities walking up the stairs. Tonight the couple dedicated the event to be a masquerade party, so you had to dress for that theme.

Given your status, it was expected that you'd be there. You rode in the back of your limousine with your overbearing mother next to you. She wore a fancy black dress with her hair tied neatly in a hairstyle to show off her sharp facial features. She had a smirk on her lips while she rambled on and on about how she couldn't wait to make connections tonight. You sat in silence for the majority of the ride since you didn't really have anything to contribute. Your mother handles everything so why even comment? It was almost habit for you to remain quiet while your mother plotted ideas.

Once the chauffeur pulled into the driveway, he exited the vehicle to open the door for you and your mother. You were expected to leave first since people cared more about you than your "momager." You sighed internally before putting on that pretty fake smile of yours and exiting the vehicle. You stood to your feet in your gorgeous heels while your outfit was exposed. You were dressed in a beautiful ball gown that was a gorgeous color - one that complimented your pretty skin complexion. The dress was tight in the chest area while the dress skirt flowed out with a leg slit and looked like a beautiful ball gown out of a fairy tale book. The sleeves were off-shoulder to show off your collarbones and shoulders. The sleeves of the dress were made of beautiful lace and sparkled. The material of your dress was glittery in certain areas so you illuminated in the night. You wore a gorgeous necklace with your favorite jewel as well as matching earrings. Your mask was gorgeous and glittery, just like your dress, and had decorative feathers and jewels on it. You looked so ethereal it was criminal.

Your fans screamed and cried while watching you walk up the stairs. You waved elegantly while you walked up the steps into the banquet hall. The event was being live streamed so your fans at home were practically sobbing while watching the TV. To sell your act even more, you blew a few kisses to the camera and paparazzi in the crowd. At the top of the stairs, you had to pose and smile for the cameras so that there would be a handful of flattering pictures of you. You gave a final twirl before walking inside. Despite wearing a mask it was obvious that it was you. Everyone's appearance was noticeable despite wearing masks on their faces. While you walked inside, your mother made her way up the stairs and gave her own little show to those who admired her for being such a "strong, independent single mother who made her daughter successful."

While you made your way through the mansion, you saw two large doors open that led to the main hall. Upon entering, you saw the beautiful golden lights and gorgeous decorations. There was a large chandelier hanging from above while there were indoor fountains and sculptures all over. The decor alone must have cost half a million - practically pocket change for people of this status. There were large tables littered with fancy drinks and snacks with a bonus chocolate fountain for fun measures. You were about to make your way to the table before you felt a gloved hand touch your bare shoulder.

"Do your best to impress. I'll handle all of the connections while you stand there and look pretty," Madam's taunting voice whispered near your ear. Your body stiffened from her words.

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