☾ Circus

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let's give reader a lil back bone today

some reader development + Scara being supportive

 ↳ ❦ Location: Ira's Cafe

Script: Verosika will be on set, describing the details of her struggling relationship. I will then announce that Saizo's famous ex - famously known as Bunny - will come to the set and join us. Y/n will then console Verosika and give her advice. The goal of this is to show the world that two beautiful women can support each other through hard times.

What a stupid fucking idea.

You sat in a room in the back of the cafe, your phone in hand while you ate delicious sweets. You were across the street in a different building doing a makeup photoshoot before you were summoned to this place. Your mother demanded that you come here since she had spent so much time setting up a set for you and Verosika to "become friends" and speak about her failing relationship.

It was rather stupid that Verosika wanted to use the negative aspect of her relationship to skyrocket her career. Then again, she didn't carry the same fame you did. She was rising in popularity because of Saizo whilst you were already just as famous as him when you two dated. Her PR team emphasized the importance of milking his fame if things were to go south - which they were obviously.

You found it odd that you had to be thrown into this. Verosika's relationship had nothing to do with you, so you didn't think you needed to be involved. You were sure that the things Verosika was describing were true, but you didn't think it was worth bringing you into it. They were having domestic disputes - which you were sure would turn physical - about mundane things.

"Are you ready for the set? We air in five minutes," Madam said while she entered the room. She was dressed in a business suit today just in case she was interviewed as well.

It was insulting that your mother wanted you to work with the very person Saizo cheated on you with. Your mother was well aware of Saizo's unfaithful tactics, so this was a punch in the face. It served as a reminder that your mother would never have your best interest. "Yep."

You decided to be short with everyone today. You were following the advice Scaramouche gave you whenever you two had a long talk in the morning. He had intervened with your drinking the other night and even spent the entire next day with you. He gave you some advice on how to handle conversations that didn't favor anything about you. It would be in your best interest to be short and simple with these people. He wanted you to ghost the meeting but he found this as an opportunity to show your mother that you're not a huge pushover - this was the beginning of a new you. Standing to your feet, you walked quickly past your mother to go backstage. A crewmember stood beside you so that he could let you know when to go on stage.

Verosika sat in one of the chairs that was to the left of Ira - the host of the show. Her hair was pulled into a beautiful ponytail with curls at the end. She wore a gorgeous lavender dress that complimented her complexion and eyes. Verosika wanted to look beautiful whilst sad during this interview. Ira was a tall woman with dark maroon hair dressed in a blouse and skirt. Ira was someone who was "friends" with your mother.

"We're starting the stream in ten seconds," announced a crew member. Everyone got into place and the side conversations died down while everyone got ready for the stream to start. You crossed your arms and looked with unimpressed eyes. Your heart was pounding with anxiety despite how deadset you were on sticking to your word.

Scaramouche was on a mission where he was sent to kill and dispose of an important government official's body. He was riding his motorcycle with earbuds in so that he could hear the live stream. Although he wasn't in a position to watch you right now, he wanted to listen and see how you were doing. He promised that he'd support you despite not physically being there. He even sent you a text about how he joined the stream so you knew he was there. Once he was close enough to the target's home, he got off his motorcycle and began his heist inside.

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