☾ Oops (I Did it Again)*

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↳ ❦ Location: Luxury Penthouse

Scaramouche wanted to spend the entire day making you happy. You ditched your work obligations so that you two could put on disguises and go out in public. The two of you went shopping, ate at delicious dessert shops, and even visited a park. You felt weird wearing a random colored wig while he wore a face mask the entire time, also wearing an equally as stupid wig. You two had a lot of fun together despite getting a few weird glances from passersbys. It was the first time you went out and weren't recognized.

Now you were in one of Scaramouche's penthouses, candles lit all over with sensual music playing on a record player in the room. The lights were dim, and the gorgeous glass wall gave you a beautiful view of the city. You were never shocked about how fancy Scaramouche lived given he had access to lots of money. Hell, killing, blackmailing, and kidnapping was a good business apparently.

Tonight, he wanted you to feel pleasure. As much as Scaramouche loved seeing you on your knees, mouth stuffed with his cock, he wanted you to feel doted on tonight. Being ignored was a turn-on he never got to try out, so tonight he made you sit on the couch, panties discarded somewhere on the floor. Your legs were spread open, his tongue lapping eagerly at your dripping sex while you tried your best to not pay attention to him. There was a couch tray next to you, and on top of it was a nice glass of wine and your choice of chocolate-covered fruit.

"Ahh... Scara you're killing me," you panted, reaching for a fruit to distract yourself. One of your hands was nestled in his hair, which was the only contact he'd let you make with him. He was very adamant about being ignored by you.

Scaramouche opted to not respond, his mouth too busy sucking on your delicious pussy. His head was buried readily in between your beautiful thighs, his hands gripping onto them as if he needed physical support. His tongue worked quickly, lapping against your leaking entrance and folds, loving how wet his mouth was from your fluids. His nose was tickling your clit, and he'd occasionally move his mouth up so that he could lick and suck on the sensitive bud. You were leaking so much on his couch that you felt bad.

His cock was so hard from this experience. The sight of you sprawled on the couch, not paying attention to him while he licked your pretty pussy, was making him leak so much in his pants. He groaned, his tongue pushing into your cunt, tongue licking around a little before pulling out to suck again your sex again. He ended up moving one hand so that he could rub circles on your clit, dragging his fingertips against the throbbing bud. You were so stimulated it was killing you.

You wanted to comply with his kink, so you did your best to keep ignoring him. Reaching for your wine glass, your hands were shaking a little. It was an absolute struggle trying to drink your wine without spilling any on you or the nice, white couch. Eating the chocolate-covered fruit provided little to no distraction. Your eyes were glued to the TV, doing your best to watch the show that was on. You wanted nothing more than to look at Scaramouche while he ate you out. You liked that you could see his head buried down in the corner of your eye.

Scaramouche liked feeling your body relax. You looked so at peace that it made his heart flutter. This encouraged him to continue sucking and licking your needy cunt, not stopping until you came all over his mouth. He started to suck a little harder on your pussy, causing your body to wiggle a little with the change of pressure. The hand in his hair tightened, causing him to groan into your sex while he licked and sucked you. Your pussy was starting to tighten, walls contracting on nothing since there was nothing inside of you.

"Mhmm.. Scara I'm gonna-"

He then moved his mouth to suck on your clit, causing you to stop talking. His tongue lapped at the sensitive, pulsating bud while his lips sucked against it. The intense pressure on your clit was enough to spill you over into your first orgasm. You sighed, your hand gripping his hair tightly while you rode out your climax in his mouth. He moaned in pleasure, loving the sight of your body squirming while you came in his mouth. His tongue began to greedily lap up your fluids, loving the way you tasted on his tongue while he licked you all over.

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