☾ Toxic*

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hehe Scara getting jealous? isn't that just cute

↳ ❦ Location: Matra (Luxury Hotel and Club)

You've been missing in action for two weeks although only those close to you knew. Your social media accounts posted as normal due to your mother giving your login information to ghostwriters and posters. You purposely avoided certain people's texts and would only contact a select few people - those being Cyno, Collei, Nilou, and Scaramouche. Not even your mother could get a response out of you despite the floods of apologetic texts she sent.

However, tonight you all of a sudden reappeared into the public image. You were dressed in a beautiful black dress made entirely of lace and was so short it stopped at your mid-upper thigh. To add some extra layers, you wore a black lace shawl that was long and gave your dress more appeal. Beautiful white pearls were around your neck as well as matching earrings. Cameras were flashing in your direction while you elegantly sipped your wine in a circle with your friends who were equally just as dressed up as you.

Tonight Cyno hosted a party to celebrate Collei's success in reaching fifteen million subscribers. Her vlogger career truly was skyrocketing and Cyno wanted to throw a celebration in her honor. Masses of celebrities were invited to this event so there were plenty of paparazzi swarming around taking photos of everyone. Company owners were here as well to try and strike conversations about deals. The event was bustling with conversations and marketing opportunities.

"It's good to be able to see you again. I've missed you since you've been gone," Collei hummed with a sweet smile. She held a skinny glass of champagne in her hands that she sipped occasionally.

"It's nice being social again, but I do admit I had a lot of fun being off the grid," you hummed, twirling your wine glass around and swirling the drink inside. You weren't drinking as much since during your dinner date with Scaramouche weeks ago he made you promise to cut back on how much you drank.

"Where were you staying? I know some of your team tried to visit your estate but you were gone," Nilou asked out of curiosity. She had a genuine smile on her face and a slight blush on her cheeks due to her few glasses of wine.

You'd never admit the truth, but Scaramouche generously let you stay in a room at his hotel. He didn't press details about why you wanted to get out of your mansion which made you feel relieved he respected your privacy. You packed suitcases full of your stuff and stayed in his hotel for the few weeks you were gone. You saw multiple attempts of your mother and her team trying to reach you through your gates - which only your mother could bypass the passcode - and lo and behold you were a ghost. "I stayed at a hotel," you said with a shrug.

"Wherever you were, we're glad to have you back. I hope the time off was rejuvenating for you," Cyno stated with a small smile on his face.

It was definitely rejuvenating, to say the least. Although Scaramouche was absent for a good chunk of your vacation, he visited toward the end and needless to say, the two of you grew rather close. There were a few nights he stayed over and you two decided to use each other for pleasure. You couldn't remember the last time you were touched by someone else - unfortunately, that being your ex - so it felt nice having the presence of another body compared to masturbating alone. You blushed at the thought of recalling your passionate nights with Scaramouche. "It was definitely nice."

"Hey, what do you guys say that we all go on a friend lunch or dinner together this week and have a personal celebration for Collei," Nilou suggested with a cheery voice. "I know we're celebrating her now but I'd rather be with just you guys."

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