☾ Slave for You*

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Oh~ it looks like its going to be official soon

is the "it can only go up from here" in the room with us

Please leave a message after the tone.


"Hello! This is Charlotte, owner of Verinity celebrity magazine and website. I received your message about the very generous offer to pay me to not pry into your company's matters, but I must humbly reject your offer. There is not enough money in the world to buy my silence! Given everything that was said in the interview is public information, nothing I am doing is defamation, so the lawsuit threat you sent me isn't enough to silence me either. I understand you're a reputable company, but I am a freelance news reporter who prioritizes getting the truth out to my viewers. The masses support and love what your company offers, so it's not fair for them to be kept in the dark about how you treat your models. Now, if you'd like to chat, you have my number and we can set up a meeting. If not, please refrain from leaving me voicemails unless they are productive. Thank you!"

↳ ❦ Location: Luxury Hotel

It's been three days since your encounter with Nilou on the rooftop. The night she saw you, Scaramouche was quick to pick you up and run away with you through the secret exits located through the building. This only made Nilou spiral even more, causing her to freak out and assume the worst. You had to turn your phone on that night to send a huge paragraph to your friends that said you'd explain everything by the weekend. You dreaded that day.

Therapy has been well for you. Unfortunately, you were frequently avoiding the topic of your mother and how the entire time she's never had your interest. Dr. Nishimura was digging deep into your childhood trauma which would cause you to go silent or start crying. You've never had a single good memory with that woman. Before she started causing you mental pain, she was very negligent. Hell, you never remember her cooking you a single meal or tucking you into bed during your childhood. She's never been there for you. During your youngest years, she was tentative, but all of that started to fade away for some reason. You never knew why your mother was distant. All you knew was that your father was there and he cared for you.

Until he wasn't.

Dr. Nishimura tried to understand more about your father's overdose. It was difficult for you to recall or talk about. Your father wasn't the type that used recreational drugs. The only medication he was taking at the time was painkillers for his excruciating back pain. He was a miner, so he was always in the caves mining to his heart's content. Your whole life you were told he took too much of his medicine due to overwhelming pain one night. Supposedly he thought it wouldn't hurt, but it cost him his life. That was all you knew, so Dr. Nishimura was at a pause of topics again since you still wouldn't open up about your mom.

There's been a lot on your mind recently. Ever since Nilou saw who you were truly seeing, your heart has been aching painfully. You dreaded telling her and the others the truth, but you knew you had to do it. You hoped that Nilou wasn't foolish enough to go and tell authorities, given that Scaramouche already threatened to take her life if she spoke. Apparently, he left her a voicemail from one of his burner phones. Hearing his voice threaten her life sent shivers down her spine.

Not only did that haunt you, but the recent therapy sessions with Dr. Nishimura made your mind race. She was trying to make you grasp hazy memories of your early childhood life. All you remember from your childhood is having happy memories with your father until he passed away. After that, your childhood was a blur. The peaceful, happy household you once lived in with your father was now gone, replaced with the empty, distant care of your mother. You remember moving houses, now living in your grandparent's rich estate since your mother did come from a family of affluence. Sure, growing up you didn't have many riches since your father was blue-collar, but at least you had love. Living with your grandparents wasn't bad nor was it good, it was rather neutral - they took care of you, but no one loved you like he did.

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