☾ One More Time*

407 17 10

 ↳ ❦ Location: Bunny's Estate

The fireplace in your room quietly crackled and illuminated your room while you sat on the couch. It was a little dip in the floor that served as your private lounge, located in the corner of your room. You were sitting in a comfortable silk robe while sipping a glass of wine. Although you had a serious promise to Scaramouche to cut out alcohol, he allowed you to enjoy wine in moderation. You decided to fancy yourself to some wine and chocolate sweets while watching a rom-com.

The week had been relatively peaceful for you. Your name was trending with positive reviews about the interview you did a few weeks ago. There was an increase in bookings given your trending status, so everything at work was running smoothly. You were such a hot topic that even your bitch of a manager had nothing negative to say... for now anyway.

A pair of hands moved to cover your mouth and tilt your head up. Your eyes were now staring into mesmerizing purple ones. The secret entrances into your home no longer phased you. It would actually be weird for him to walk into your home like a normal person.

"Don't you look so peaceful tonight, pretty girl?"

Scaramouche had a playful smirk on his face while he looked down at your beautiful entirety. Your skin looked so soft and smooth as if you had just bathed not too long ago. Your skin was covered with a silk robe that was slightly pooling off your body, allowing his eyes to have more access to your skin. He felt his heart increase in pace with the view of his hand covering those pretty lips.

Scaramouche was covered in black clothing from head to toe. He had just returned from whatever affairs he had to busy himself. He's missed being able to spend time with you. The first thing he wanted to do upon returning to Sumeru was visit you and stay over. He missed how soft your skin felt underneath his calloused hands.

"I've missed you," you said with a small smile once his hands moved away from your mouth. You repositioned your head to look straight but before you could turn to your side, a black cloth covered your eyes. A shocked gasp left your lips but Scaramouche was quick to console you.

"Do you trust me?" Scaramouche asked in a low voice, his tone filled with want. His hands started to tie a gentle knot on the black cloth that was now covering your eyes. It was the bandana he was wearing around his neck before he came to see you. He was untying it from around his neck while he was approaching you.

Words seemed to be hard to form in your mind. You swallowed before speaking. "I do."

"Relax for me then, pretty girl," Scaramouche whispered, his voice hot and heavy beside your ear. Your body shivered from his warm breath but you obeyed. The tension in your muscles relaxed while you mentally told yourself to remain calm.

Scaramouche missed the touch of your skin. He was eager to unwind a little but seeing you in such a vulnerable position in such a sexy robe made him change his course of action. He was now snaking his hands down your body to pull your thighs apart for him. "No panties? What a little slut you are. You like easy access, huh?"

His sexual remarks made you groan in response. Purple eyes stared in awe at your bare pussy that was starting to get worked up. He brought a hand down to start caressing your folds gently, causing a pleasured gasp to leave your parted lips. You started to arch into his touch while his fingers lightly played with your folds. You bit your bottom lip to muffle your lewd sounds.

Scaramouche slipped out an electric bullet that he always wanted to use on you. The sex toy slipped into the palm of his hand so he started to rub the rip all around your entrance, causing you to stiffen feeling the foreign object. After teasing you for a minute, he slid the bullet inside your pussy until more than half of it was engulfed by your walls. A long, pleasured sigh filled his ears while he filled you with the toy.

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