Logan's Version (scene 2) - Wedding Scenario

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Logan, Zoey, Mikey, and Anne are at a wedding reception hall. Apparently, it is their friend's wedding (the bride). Anne is one of those serving the food and drinks. The two are discussing as they await their turn.
Logan: I can't believe this is an "all you can eat" wedding. I haven't eaten any party food in years.
Mikey: Didn't u eat rice yesterday at my place?
Logan: Mikey, you were mourning your pet dog [laugh track]. But I've to admit, the meat tasted superb. Better than the last so-called cuisine dinner you invited me and Zoey to. The memories will haunt me forever.
Mikey: (annoyed) Yeah, dog meat, which my roommate tricked me into eating
Logan: I'm starting to realize you didn't love the dog so much.
Mikey: That's not true.
Logan: You kept complimenting the meaty paws
Mikey: Bro, "paws" right there, we both know the meat was delicious [laugh track] (The two approache Anne)
Anne: Wassup, Logan? Mikey? I happen to be a part of the bridal train, and I also get to serve. This dress is giving #AWESOME!
Mikey: We're fine. And you are looking fancy today
Anne: Oh, stop (to Logan). And how's Michael?
Logan: Michael's fine. He has actually forgiven me for pushing him off the chair earlier today. (Michael walks by, stops to glare at Logan) [long laugh track]
Michael: I am UPSET! (He storms off) [Laugh track].
Logan: (obliviously) See, he's happy and in high spirits
Mikey: (staring in confusion before realizing. He responds sarcastically). Sure. Whatever you did last time, he'd be happy to take ur spirits to a higher place (laugh track)
Logan: I'd prefer to be high and mighty with the jollof rice
Zoey: (walks toward them with a plate) So sorry I took time. Someone was trying to get my autograph (excitedly) OMG! ANNE, U LOOK ADORBS!
Anne: (smiles) Thanks, gurl.
Zoey: Hey, Mikey. Nice to meet you today.
Mikey: (stutters) You look beautiful
Zoey: And u look very handsome (smiles)
Anne: (stares at the two) Do I detect something in here?
Logan: (clueless) Yes, and it's coming from the soup. (takes a spoonful from the dish and gulps) This is absolutely delicious; Willy must have it! (Logan quickly reaches for the dish). [Laugh track].
Zoey: (hits his hands away) NO, absolutely not. Whatever happens, do not do the Logan thing
Logan: (faces Zoey, laughs) Come on, the Logan thing? U guys are hilarious
Mikey: (confused) What's the Logan thing?
Logan: They say that I create drama.
Mikey: Yeah, don't do the Logan thing [laugh track]
Zoey: (high pitch) Yeah, u don't (Logan glares in "horror," reading the sarcasm behind the high pitch)
Anne: I hate to agree, but yeah, u do the Logan thing a lot
Logan: (annoyed) If anyone causes drama a lot, then it's Mikey
Mikey: I was tricked into eating it! Bro, let the sleeping dog lie [laugh track]. (The three stare at Mikey). I thought the joke was clever. You're welcome [another laugh track]
Anne: Anyway, where's ur plate? (Mikey brings out a giant brown cooler offscreen - to Logan & Zoey's shock)
Zoey: How in the world?
Logan: Told you he's the dramatic one [laugh track]
Anne: Tell me, you're joking
Mikey: Of course I am. Why would I bring one cooler (pauses as Anme heaves a sigh of relief) when I GAT 2?! (Snaps fingers, a second one rolls in from nowhere). All better [laugh track]
Anne: (quickly turns to Logan) On second thought, I deeply apologize for thinking u were the dramatic one
Zoey: (scoffs) You will take that back, I promise
Anne: How?
Zoey: Wait for it
Groom: HEY! NO COOLERS ALLOWED! (To bride) Babe, you said ur course mates are cool
Bride: They are. (points at Logan & Zoey), but I've never seen those two in my life.
Zoey: (confused) You literally invited me.
Bride: I did? (laugh track as Zoey glares at her) Yeah, I did. But not him (points at Logan)
Logan: (confused) We had the same yoghurt practical project in school.
Mikey: (chimes in) Yo, I dunno what's happening, but we better gurt out of here. (He chuckles but notices everyone glaring at him) [laugh track]
Logan: (gives Mikey the side eye) Mikey, not the time. (another laugh track)
Groom: So, what happens now?
Logan: We're going to do what every mature adult does in this situation - RUN! (Grabs the rice and stew dish, the cooler, and grabs a few chicken pieces) SAYONARA! (Dashes toward the door, but bumps into the bouncer and falls to the floor with the food while the guests stare in shock) [Indefinite laugh track]
(Bride & groom stand above Logan, in anger)
Logan: I'm in hot stew, aren't I?
Bride & Groom: Yup. [laugh track] (The hefty security men lift him up to take him away)
Anne: Wow, crazy has limits, but he's a SPICY ONE!
Zoey: That's what I've been trying to tell y'all [final laugh track at the scene ends].

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