Logan's Version (scene 11) - 5 seconds of drama

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(The classroom scene... apparently, they're filming a scene)
Zoey: (raises head up while marking notes) Kyle, what's the craziest thing a child has ever told u?
Logan: (ponders, then smiles) When Michael saw me for the first time as a teacher, he was 5 at the time, and he said, "Mr Logan, u don't look like an adult." When I asked why he said that, he said, "U got no beards." [Laugh track]
Zoey: (confused) Not to break the nostalgia, but "Kyle", we have scripts
Director: CUT! (Drinks a bottle of water as he stands from his seat) Logan, I love your enthusiasm and all, but whoever this Michael is, he wasn't lying [laugh track]
Logan: (trying to hold himself from exploding) Excuse me?
Zoey: (stifling a laugh but stops when Logan gives her a death glare) It's not that bad. It's a compliment
Logan: (cuts in) From a child [laugh track]
Zoey: Let's all calm down and reshoot the scene again
Director: Actually, no. It's slightly based on your lives, so we could call it an improvised scene. (sits down on the director's seat; announces) OK, we continue! Scene 5! Take 2! ACTION!!...
(Zoey and Logan are walking home from set)
Logan: Wow, I didn't know an episode could actually be filmed in a day. The last time that happened was the reality show we had in school
Zoey: Yeah, Mikey went crazy because someone kept pushing him off the seat in the confessional
Logan: That was you [laugh track]. (Soon enough, someone walks up quickly to the two, calling their names. They turn towards the voice, revealed to be Trevor's).
Trevor: (pats Logan's back) Hey, gee. (Smiles at Zoey) Babe.
Logan: (in a high-pitched tone) Babe? (laugh track plays, as he glares at Trevor) ZOEY?!
Zoey: (scoffs) Pretend I already told u about our newfound relationship, which we're keeping on the low to avoid unwanted attention.
Logan: Oh, u mean like that - (points at a partly hidden paparazzo holding a camera behind some flowers. Zoey and Trevor stare in shock). [Laugh track]
Zoey: (startled) Dude, I can never get used to these people, no matter how famous I am
Logan: Why do u think I have numerous glasses?
Trevor: To look weirder than u already do? (laugh track. Logan glares at him over the insensitive comment)
Logan: No, Trevor. It's for situations like this
Zoey: (tries to tie a scarf around her face) Tell me it's still not there
Logan: (dryly repeats) It's still not there.
Zoey/Trevor: (angrily) LOGAN!
Logan: Fine, they're still here.
Zoey/Trevor: (alarmed) THEY?! [Laugh track]
Zoey: Trevor, I can't believe I'm saying this, but u have to run
Trevor: (confused) Babe, u don't expect me to literally run
Logan: (smirks) I already got that covered. (Taps a few times on his phone. An Uber arrives practically a few seconds later. It turns out it's Mikey's car) [laugh track].
Mikey: Hey, wassup?! Came as soon as u called. Trevor?
Zoey: (draws Logan to a side while trying to shield her face from the cameras) Logan? Why did u ask Mikey? Did u forget the road trip we took Danny on?
Logan: It's Trevor; they're best friends. Mikey only does that if it were just the two of us.
Zoey: (relieved) You're right. Mikey is very reasonable around Trevor.
Logan: Which is why we're also following [laugh track].
Zoey: WHAT?! (Before she can continue, Logan opens the door and drags both Zoey and Trevor in while he sits at the front)
Logan: (notices few other paparazzi, yells) DRIVE!
Mikey: Sure. (in a baritone voice) Eazy.
Logan: (widens eyes in horror. Eazy is Mikey's code word for "it's gonna be a bumpy ride.") Mikey, wait! [laugh track] (Soon enough, Mikey starts to steer in a maniac way, driving carelessly)
Zoey: (worriedly) Mikey, SLOW DOWN OR I'LL BLOW UR BRAINS OUT!
Mikey: (innocently) But if u do that, we'll actually get into a faster accident
Logan/Zoey/Trevor: (alarmed) MIKEY?!!!
Mikey: Fine! (hits brakes suddenly. The car slows down almost abruptly, but they're almost at their house by then. Luckily, they stop right in front of the garage - but not before both Trevor and Zoey hit their faces on the seats). [Laugh track].
Logan: (breathing rapidly before exhaling) Mikey, for the love of God, PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE THE EAZY WAY, EVER AGAIN! [laugh track]
Trevor: (holding Zoey's hands) Babe, are u OK?
Zoey: Yeah, I'm fine. But I don't think Mikey will be in 2 seconds [laugh track]
Mikey: (stares in horror) Uh oh. (He quickly runs out of the car. Zoey tries to rush out, but she still has her seat belt)
Zoey: (unbuckles the seat belt quickly) Get back here, Michael!! (opens the door and runs out after Mikey in a rage. Meanwhile, Logan and Trevor are seated in awkward silence) [laugh track]
Trevor: (glances around before asking) What does Eazy mean?
Logan: (bluntly) It's his code word for you're finished [laugh track]
Trevor: You're going to do the Logan thing because u think I'm trying to hurt Zoey, aren't you?
Logan: (with a creepy smile) Oh, yeah. (Trevor rushes out of the car, with Logan in hot pursuit) TREVOR?! GET BACK HERE! (laugh track plays as he chases Trevor into the house. The scene ends afterwards).

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