Logan's Version 2 (scene 7) - It's Giving Dramedy

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The scene opens with Danny, Drea, and Jesse seated in the dining room, which is filled with a lot of Thanksgiving decorations. As usual, different foods are set on the table of 8 seats and covered neatly. Unfortunately, Danny isn't so patient with all this as the owners of the house are yet to be seated.
Danny: (groaning) What is taking so long? (turns to Jesse and Drea with a furious look on his face) Danny must have his turkey! [laugh track]
Drea: (whispering to Jesse) He's speaking in the third person. Do something!
Jesse: Let me handle this. (yells) LIAM! DANNY'S SPEAKING IN THIRD PERSON AGAIN!! [Laugh track] (Drea raises an eyebrow at him)
Drea: And how exactly did you handle that?
Jesse: By asking Liam to handle it for us. Danny only listens to Zoey and Liam when he's in the third zone [laugh track] (Zoey rushes in, scrolling on her phone).
Zoey: I'm so sorry for the delay, but I've got a quick question. Which of you can fake a British accent?
Jesse: Why do you need a fake British accent?
Zoey: (shrugs) Irene owes me money, and in order to get it back, I automatically have a British uncle [laugh track].
Jesse: Wow, how convincing [brief laugh track].
Drea: I got this. (in an Indian accent) I just got a new purple backpack.
Zoey: Hun', that's Indian.
Drea: You asked for a "fake" British accent. It doesn't have to sound like one [laugh track]. (Zoey, Danny, and Jesse stare at her in disbelief).
Logan: (rushes in from his room, sounding worried) Danny? Danny?! My sweet angel! Are you OK? (checks his body temperature with his hands, as well as flashes a light on Danny's right eye. He relaxes and turns to Jesse).
Danny: (hugs Logan and grinning widely) I'm fine, Mr Logan.
Logan: Big guy, you said he's speaking in the third person.
Jesse: That's because you're here now. What took you so long, Liam?
Zoey: Logan and Tracy were roasting themselves back and forth.
Logan: That is not true.
Tracy: (opens the front door and walks all the way to the dining table and turns to Jesse) Hey, Logan's kid, tell your daddy here that he reeks of fish steaks [laugh track]
Jesse: That isn't so bad.
Tracy: Dirty fish steaks. Say it, and you'll be thankful you did.
Jesse: What if I don't?
Tracy: (smirks slyly) You'll see [laugh track].
Zoey: OK, enough. Can we all have a peaceful Thanksgiving evening without fighting? (turns to Tracy) And I swear the door is always locked. How do you even get in? [laugh track]
Trevor: (walks in, shaking a bunch of keys) Happy Thanksgiving!
Drea: (does a British accent) Blame the lad, Miss Z [brief laugh track]. (Jesse and Danny stare at her) We're not doing that anymore [laugh track].
Jesse: (he stares straight ahead, frozen in a trance-like state. His right pupil suddenly glows green. The camera does a close-up of this eye, followed by a speeding green wave of light. The wave opens to show Tracy hugging Logan in the living room before facing him).
[Tracy: (grinning) You know, I gotta say, your teacher's pretty much a good friend...]
(The vision closes immediately, followed by the green wave, which finally disappears. Jesse's face is finally shown. He turns quickly to the others).
Jesse: (turns to Drea and Danny) Guys, I know how to make this evening end well. And that's by getting Tracy and Logan to get along.
Drea: I hope it works out well. Your visions never turn out good.
Jesse: That's because you never listen [laugh track]. (He faces the adults) Miss Zoey is right. We have to make tonight a special Thanksgiving evening without all the fighting.
Zoey: That's right. Now, can we all sit? (Logan and Tracy exchange glares before rolling their eyes and sitting down. Trevor and Zoey also sit down as well, except for one empty seat. They close their eyes, as Zoey prays for the food) Lord, bless this food and provide for others who do not have.
Everyone: (peacefully) Amen!
Danny: (suddenly stands up and shouts loudly) DANNY MUST HAVE ME SOME TURKEY! (He rushes to open the biggest plate of turkey, but Zoey holds him down) [laugh track].
Logan: Jesse, next time, be more accurate. Because then, you'll say we never listen.
Tracy: (sassily) Cuz YOU never do! [laugh track]
Logan: Before I forget, we're going to be having a very important visitor coming over.
Trevor: I hope it's Mikey.
Zoey: (sipping water) Because he's your best friend?
Trevor: (sounding upset) Because he's been shallow since he got famous [laugh track]. I see him as a fu-
Logan: (cuts in) OK, how about we NOT use that language on a day we're supposed to be thankful for everything?
Danny: (holding one of Logan's shoes) Mr. Logan, I accidentally spilt coffee in your shoe yesterday. For the record, it looks like all these bad vintage footwear.
Logan: (annoyed) Daniel, HOW THE F*CK AM I SUPPOSED TO BE THANKFUL FOR THAT! [laugh track] (Danny becomes scared at Logan's outburst)
Zoey: Cuz he upgraded it, you're welcome [brief laugh track]. Now, for real, what are we thankful for?
Trevor: I'm thankful for the fact that I met the best girlfriend in the world.
Zoey: (gushes) Awwwn, thanks, babe.
Trevor: (turns to Tracy) Her amazing best friend and manager who never fixes her appointments on time [laugh track].
Tracy: (smiling) Yeah, that's me! [brief laugh track] (Logan rolls his eyes at her).
Trevor: And these wonderful kids, who always see the brightness in everything. Especially my man, Danny!
Danny: (shows off his dimpled smile) I told you I'm the coolest. Peace! (Everyone laughs as he does the Peace sign) [laugh track].
Trevor: And finally, my frenemy turned friend, and little bro. William Logan Hilson. (A very awkward silence follows after he mentions his full name - which is the problem. Trevor is confused as to why no one said anything). Did I say something wrong? (grins nervously) He's kind of younger than me, so, what's up?
Logan: Yeah, no one calls me by my full name after calling everyone by their known nicknames, especially at Thanksgiving.
Trevor: Jesse and Zoey call you that. It's literally your name.
Logan: Jesse started calling me Liam because, for some reason, he couldn't properly pronounce "Logan" when he was about 3 - 4 years old, despite being specifically able to say "Kaleidoscope" [laugh track]. Zoey only calls me that when she's very upset with me. I mean, "crossed my boundaries" upset.
Tracy: Like now? (Zoey is shown twitching her left eye in anger) [laugh track].
Zoey: William Logan Hilson?
Logan: Yeah, like that.
Drea: Oooh, Logan's gon' gett iiiit (sips from her juice box) [laugh track].
Zoey: I thought you're cool with Trevor now. And why do you have to make a big deal out of it at Thanksgiving dinner?
Tracy: The same way you were making a big deal out of "the visitor." And you wouldn't stop talking about him returning here.
Zoey: But he's kind of important now.
Logan: If we're being honest, Mikey is NOT important, but he is a bit of a messed-up clown now. So, yeah, Zoey, we're both in this big ship together [laugh track].
Drea: (whispering to Danny and Jesse) This is worse than the Dance Moms episode I watched last week [laugh track]. Do something!
Jesse: OK, Tracy is the only one who isn't involved. So I have to signal her (turns to Tracy, who's fiddling with her hair, mostly because she's tired of the arguing. Jesse mouths to Tracy) Do something.
Trevor: OK, fine, "Logan", I'm sorry for calling your full name out like that.
Logan: (exhales) Look, that's not even the reason I burst out like that, OK.
Trevor: That's the exact reason we're arguing like that.
Tracy: (exhales loudly) Can we please stop the drama now? We have kids here!
Zoey: (turns to Trevor) And what's the deal with Mikey? He still talks with us and he's your best friend.
Trevor: (snaps) No, he WAS my best friend, and he only talks to YOU because HE LIKES YOU! (Everyone faces Trevor in shock) [gasp track].
Tracy: (turns to Jesse) Kids, go to your room, we're not stopping the drama anytime soon [brief laugh track]. (Jesse, Drea, and Danny stare at Tracy, who becomes defensive) What?  My hands are tied - and this is the juicy kind of drama. When you're older, you'll understand [laugh track].
Danny: (faces Jesse & Drea) I don't know about this, but we have to do something.
Zoey: Mikey doesn't like me like that. OK? You're the one who's being insecure.
Trevor: No, no. YOU'RE insecure about Logan being more famous and right about things than you.
Zoey: He's never right about everything.
Trevor: Exactly my point [laugh track].
Logan: Zoey, not to burst your bubble. But Mikey has liked you for a while. He didn't say anything because you were dating Trevor and a couple of those other guys.
Trevor: And do you know what I think about Mikey? I think he shouldn't show up here, and that will be the most important thing I'm THANKFUL for! Tracy, back me up (the three turn to look at Tracy. However, she's comfortably sitting at the far end of the table with the kids, munching on spaghetti and eggs).
Tracy: I wish I could, but you GOTTA try this! Logan, I didn't know you could cook this!
Logan: (smiles) Thanks, Tracy, for the compliment. Now THAT I'm thankful for [laugh track]. Sounds so unlike you.
Tracy: And I'm thankful for the fact that there's something you can do that doesn't involve causing drama!
Logan: (with a blank expression) And she's back [laugh track].
Drea: This is amazing, though!
Danny: (swallowing the food) If you keep making these, then I promise not to light Zoey's brown sweater vest by accident on fire again.
Zoey/Logan: WHAT? [laugh track] (There's a knock on the door. Logan checks his phone and stands up).
Logan: It's 7 already. Danny's mom is here.
Danny: That's what I said. Bye [laugh track]. (grabs a big juice box from the table, as well as his backpack, and runs toward the door. As Logan follows behind, Trevor turns to Zoey).
Trevor: Babe, look, I think -
Zoey: (bluntly cuts in) I think we should go on a break. (She stands up) It's not you. It's me (she leaves the table, as Trevor, Tracy, Drea, and Jesse stare in surprise. Trevor feels sad about the whole outburst and proceeds to leave).
Trevor: I should go (he leaves the table and finally, the house. Tracy turns to the kids).
Tracy: (in a concerned tone) Wow, bummer. You know what this means.
Drea: More food for us?
Tracy: Drea, that is so inconsiderate. (She suddenly lightens up). But spitting facts! Let's dig in. [laugh track]. I gotta take some to Alfred!
Logan: (closes the door behind him and watches the three in disdain) Trevor just left, Zoey's upset, and you're eating like they didn't just fight?
Jesse: (calmly) Mr. Liam, we were eating -
Logan: Without me?! I'M SO DISAPPOINTED! [laugh track] (The three are relieved that he's not upset. However, Logan heaves a long sigh). But I have to talk to Zoey. And Mikey isn't even coming again, so that's a good thing, right?
Tracy: (stands up) Yeah, but I'll do the talking. You didn't tell her some of the things Trevor said beforehand, so it's better I do it. (Tracy and the kids meet Logan in the living room).
Logan: You're right, I get it. (Tracy hugs Logan for a while before turning to Jesse)
Tracy: (grinning) You know, I gotta say, your teacher's pretty much a good friend.
Jesse: (smiles) Yeah, sure. (Logan goes to the dining room while Tracy goes to talk with Zoey. Jesse turns to Drea in confusion) That was what I saw, but I didn't expect it to end badly. I thought it was because Logan and Tracy came in arguing like crazy.
Drea: But the twist was the fighting between Trevor and Zoey was what got them together. (shrugs) Well, you never know.
Jesse: You know, I'm so glad and thankful our Michael still talks with us, even at school, despite Logan not being his babysitter anymore. And he isn't the reason for our fight.
Drea: And I'm thankful we're still friends and for the fact that you can see things before they happen. They are mostly helpful.
Jesse: (grins proudly) I mean, that's not a lie.
Drea: Because now, you're going to give me the answers to our math test on Monday. Now, I have a turkey problem to solve (She goes to the dining table) [laugh track]
Jesse: (looks at the camera) And she's back. [final laugh track and applause as he shrugs and walks toward the living room]. (The scene quickly ends).

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