Logan's Version 2 (scene 4) - Another Broke Storyline

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Drea, Danny, and Jesse are watching TV in the Hilson's living room while eating popcorn.
Drea: You know, it's so nice to finally get to watch this movie on our screens and not at the cinema.
Jesse: Because we couldn't afford the tickets?
Danny: (munches on popcorn) No, because the popcorn at the movies costs a million bucks [laugh track]. I mean, it's literally the same popcorn. What is a movie at the theatres without popcorn?
Drea: (raises an eye brow) A movie - at the theatres [laugh track].
Danny: (sits up) Man, I'm so bored and broke. We need weekend jobs.
Jesse: I thought you sold cars.
Danny: I don't anymore. It turns out I'm not legal enough to sell cars.
Drea: Yeah, who knew? [laugh track]
Jesse: We still have to do something and get paid this week.
Danny: We could mine for gold or go sky diving [laugh track]. But no one's going to hire a bunch of 10 year-olds.
Jesse: (stares straight ahead, frozen in a trance-like state. His right pupil suddenly glows green. The camera does a close-up of this eye, followed by a speeding green wave of light. When the light opens like a tunnel, he sees Logan talking with a man about 20 years older than him).
[Older Man: You're quite lucky, Logan. Your little cousin here has talent, and we'll be happy to hire.
Logan: (proudly) What can I say? He got it from his teacher...]
(The vision closes, followed by the green wave, and finally Jesse's eye and entire face). Jesse regains himself but seems to be lost in thought).
Drea: Danny, why do all of your ideas have to be something that gets you in trouble? [laugh track]
Danny: (retorts) Give me a job that hires kids under 10.
Jesse: (seems to get the idea, stands up, and answers) Acting!
Danny/Drea: (confused) Acting?
Jesse: Yes! Liam's a really good actor, just like Zoey. And he's always available. I heard the movie he's preparing for is right here in Denver. It's not that far.
Drea: That's not a very bad idea. (turns to Danny) And the movie set isn't far from the ground, Daniel Potter [laugh track].
Danny: I was just brainstorming.
Jesse: Yeah, having a brain that gives you ideas on how to sky dive in a stormy weather isn't what brainstorming means [laugh track].
Zoey: (comes out of her bedroom, dressed in a blue blouse and black jeans, holding her purse) I wish I could stay, but I have to get going. Trevor will be here any minute.
Tracy: (opens the door suddenly and walks in) [brief laugh track] Hey, Zoey! Zoey's twins! Logan's kid!
Zoey: Hello, my new manager friend who never fixes my appointments on time [laugh track]. We have to get going. I'm this close to getting a selfie with Chris Evans.
Jesse: Miss Zoey, we need you to take us to Liam's workplace.
Zoey: Why's that?
Drea: We're bored here.
Danny: We're 10, we got to go outside, you know. Or we're just going to cause chaos for no reason [laugh track].
Drea: Oddly correct, but yes, Miss Zoey, we need to do something.
Zoey: I don't know, Jesse. Your parents aren't exactly going to be OK with y'all being on TV without their knowledge. Except for Jesse, though
Jesse: (smirks) Well, they don't need to know.
Zoey: They're going to know, "Logan." It's on TV [laugh track].
Tracy: (shrugs) It's not exactly a bad idea. They could just be extras and still get paid for it.
Zoey: Yeah, just like you got me that extra role for free. When I specifically asked for an extra meeting for a role.
Tracy: And now, the people of Philadelphia know you; you're welcome [laugh track].
Zoey: (rolls her eyes at Tracy before turning to the three kids) Look, I'll talk to Logan about this, and maybe Trevor can take you there. But he might not really like it. (to Tracy and the children) Trust me, in rare issues like this, Logan and I are ALWAYS on the same page...

[Literally, 10 minutes later, at the movie set. Logan is shown talking to Tracy, Zoey, and Trevor. Danny, Jesse, and Drea are also present]
Logan: (excitedly carrying Jesse) Are you kidding? I'm so HAPPY that my little guy is following in his teacher's footsteps!
Zoey: (confused, yet unsurprisingly annoyed) How are we NEVER on the same page? [laugh track]
Tracy: Hold up. You're his sister, and you didn't realize that yet? Bummer [laugh track].
Logan: (brings Jesse down and faces Zoey and Tracy) No. This is exciting news! Do you know what this means? My little guy is a natural actor, and he'll use that talent for the greater good.
Zoey: Yeah, one problem with that. His parents already said we can't get him involved in our work lives again. At least, not until he's 10.
Logan: He'll be 10 next Christmas. Think, Zoey [laugh track].
Zoey: (exhales) Next time, don't ask me to think [another laugh track]. (She checks the time on her phone) I'm already late. Tracy, we've got to start going now. We need to -
Tracy: (cuts in) Yes, I know, meet Chris Evans and get a selfie. We get it. You're a fan girl, and I can live with that! [laugh track] (The two leave Logan, Trevor, and the children).
Trevor: I dunno, Logan. Getting him involved in acting right now isn't exactly a good idea.
Logan: Relax, Trevor. Jesse might be a lot of things, but he's quite mature for his age. Just like Drea. I mean, he takes after me.
Trevor: (scoffs) He's your kid. He's obviously going to take after you [brief laugh track]. (turns to his left) I'm talking about the other him. (Danny is seen, sitting in a large toy car, pushing random buttons).
Danny: (talking to the girl standing near the car; she happens to be rehearsing her lines) Yo, Kelsea, isn't this the car that does the flying thing in that Marvel movie? Does it do the same thing in real life?
Kelsea: (raises her head from reading the script) No, dumbell. Cuz in real life, that would hurt you.
Danny: (pretends to gasp) The audacity! Now, how will I know if it hurts for real or not? [laugh track] (Kelsea rolls her eyes and walks away from Danny).
Trevor: Should we -
Logan: Absolutely not. As his teacher -
Drea: (chimes in) And his friend, that's the only way he'll learn. (Almost immediately, the four hear a shriek from offscreen. They turn in Danny's direction)
Danny: (offscreen) Oww! Why does this airbag have to be so big?! (pauses) DANNY LIKE IT! [Laugh track]. (The four shake their heads in frustration)
Jesse: As he's best friend, it's safe to say, he'll never learn [laugh track].
Logan: Whose kid is that?!
Trevor/Jesse/Drea: (staring at Logan) Yours! [laugh track]
Logan: It was a rhetorical question! What is wrong with your sense of humour? [laugh track] Now, let's make a movie, shall we?
Jesse: (whispers to Drea) More like money [brief laugh track] (Logan turns toward the green screen platform, with Trevor, Jesse, and Drea following suit).
Danny: (strapped to the car seat by the seat belt; he sees Kelsea walking by) Hey, Kelsea. Little help here?
Kelsea: (confused as to how Danny got stuck. She asks rhetorically) For real, though. Who owns this kid? [final laugh track as the scene ends].

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