Logan's Version 2 (scene 12) - Look who's stalking

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Three days after meeting with Nigel, Logan is back again to changing some parts of his script. He is too focused on his laptop to notice anything around him in the living room.
Nigel: (opens the front door and walks in) Not to be rude, but you should always lock your door.
Logan: So sorry. I've been waiting for you for a while now.
Nigel: Well, I'm finally here now. And I have to tell you something. (Logan shrugs) I think I'm being stalked.
Zoey: (walks out of the kitchen) Logan, did you almost forget Jesse in school again yesterday? [laugh track]
Logan: Last time was because it was your turn to pick him up. And in my defence, Tracy can be very forgetful sometimes. You'll get used to her [brief laugh track]
Zoey: (rolls her eyes and turns to Nigel) Welcome once again, Nigel. So good to have you here.
Nigel: And good to see you too.
Zoey: You say you have a stalker.
Nigel: Some guy has been following me for a while even before I got to work with you guys. I really need your help.
Logan: (concerned) Wow, that is very serious.
Zoey: Does he follow you all the way here?
Nigel: No, I've been able to throw him off for a while now. But it's becoming very impossible now.
Zoey: We need a solution. I could ask Tracy to get someone.
Logan: (smirks) Or we could get someone like Harry Styles or someone connected to someone like Harry Styles [brief laugh track].
Nigel: (turns to Zoey) And he said I was the crazy, obsessed fan [laugh track]. And that is next to impossible.
Logan: I could ask Harry to get someone to bodyguard you. He's got the muscles. And I have his number.
Nigel: (wonders) Well, athletic is the actual word.
Zoey: Besides, he only gave you his number cause he had no choice. You kept showing up on his tour last year for no apparent reason. (to Nigel) Trust me, the reason he doesn't allow you in his room is because he has a huge Harry wallpaper and he doesn't want you to be right about him being an obsessed fan [laugh track].
Tracy: (beside Logan) Right, I noticed, too. (Logan flinches while she smirks) [brief laugh track] But for real, y'all NEED TO see Harry's muscles.
Zoey: (nods) Legit the best thing in the world.
Logan: (to Zoey) How did she even get into this conversation?
Tracy: Um, everyone knows Harry Styles
Zoey: And Drea follows him on IG
Logan: SHE'S LIKE 10!
Drea: (scrolling on the phone as she struts past them) Yuh! [laugh track] (she walks off)
Logan: When did she get here?
Tracy: They all came here with me; this is the first time you've looked up from your laptop in 3 hours
Logan: (confused) They? (looks sideways to see Jesse, Kelsea, Drea, Danny & Alfred seated around the dining table corner laughing at the screen) [laugh track].
Drea: (smiling widely) OMG! HARRY IS DA BEST!!!
Alfred: He's so cool.
Danny: GO WHAZZAAAA! [quiet laugh track]
Jesse: (confused) Don't u mean Hazza?
Danny: It's kind of our thing now.
The others: (they do the Peace sign) Respect [laugh track]
Logan: (to the adults) OK, on behalf of Harry's band, I have never met those kids before in my life [brief laugh track].
Danny: (faces Kelsea and starts to sing off-key) Walk the fire for u
Kelsea: Hey, no (walks out of the dining room) [laugh track].
Logan: Especially Danny [laugh track]
Nigel: Yeah. (scoffs) But I feel like we're digressing from the problem here
Tracy: Which is?
Nigel: The stalker.
Logan: Harry is your stalker?
Zoey: I think he means Danny Phantom.
Nigel: (irritated) What? NO! [laugh track]. He's not even a real person. Now, can you help me out or not?!
Tracy: Well, I could find someone or we could always be together. That way, we could throw off your scent. (She stands from the couch and hugs Nigel) If anything happens to you, I'll avenge your harm with murder.
Logan: Oh, look, Tracy cares [laugh track]. (faces the kids) While we're at it, someone please tell these children to stop with the Harry puns. It's starting to sound weird coming from 10 year-olds.
Danny: I heard the fruit juice he drank was a sign of the pines [laugh track].
Drea: Yeah, I think it was a kiwi-based fruit punch.
Kelsea: (rolls eyes) No, girl. That was what he sprayed to ward off two ghosts in the haunted house he visited last year.
Jesse: Luckily, it was his guardian only angel that helped out.
Logan: (twitches his eye as he mutters, audibly enough for the adults to hear him) It's "only guardian angel," Jesse. Did I teach you nothing in your grammar classes? [laugh track]
Tracy: You taught Jesse grammar? Oh, no [another laugh track].
Zoey: Yeah, I agree. Those kids need help.
Jesse: (he stares straight ahead, frozen in a trance-like state. The camera does a close-up of his green-colored left iris, followed by a speeding green wave of light. The vision opens to show Tracy with a confused, yet surprised facial expression).
[Tracy: (surprised) So Trevor is the stalker? I can't believe what I'm hearing...]
(The vision quickly closes, followed by the green wave and finally Jesse's eye and face. Jesse quickly regains consciousness and walks briskly to the adults).
Jesse: I think I know the solution to your stalker issue.
Tracy: How did you hear us?
Jesse: You're not the only one who's pretending not to listen to our Harry conversations "from the dining table" [laugh track]. (They all nod in agreement) Ask Trevor, but be very careful when you do that.
Logan: (alarmed) Wait, is he the stalker?!
Zoey: (in a coded undertone) Is there something you saw and you're not telling us?
Nigel: What do you mean by "saw"?
Tracy: It's complicated [laugh track].
Jesse: That is not what I meant!
Zoey: Jesse is right. Calling Trevor a stalker is ridiculous.
Logan: You're just being generous, so he doesn't dump you again like last time.
Zoey: (annoyed) OK, last Thanksgiving wasn't MY fault. It was MIKEY'S, and he's back with his band now!
Nigel: (interested) Hold up. Mikey from 2 broke boys was here?! Ooh, this is interesting!
Tracy: (to Nigel) Wait till you learn about the time Logan was cheated on by both his crush and his girlfriend 2 years ago. He literally ate crushed potato chips for a week to signify his crushed spirit [another laugh track]. (The other kids have stopped discussing and are now watching the adults argue).
Logan: (drops his laptop on the centre table) This doesn't matter anyway, because you don't care when Trevor does anything crazy. But you're so quick to blame me 'cause it's Logan.
Zoey: That's why Logan thing is LITERALLY named after you! [laugh track] (The doorbell rings, interrupting them. Zoey goes to open the door) Fine, Trevor's here. We'll ask him ourselves. (She opens the door, and Trevor walks in)
Alfred: (whispering to Jesse) What did you do?
Drea: You should have let them have a Logan's version of their Harry discussion. It's their thing [laugh track].
Jesse: Well, I couldn't help it. I saw the future, and I had to do something, or they would've made a drastic decision.
Kelsea: (surprised) You can see the future? There better be some answers to a lot of questions. Also, do I finally get that blue hoodie I have been begging Nigel for? [laugh track]
Danny: Kelsea, don't be selfish. (pauses) He has to tell me about mine first before we worry about yours. We're best friends.
Drea: And it's in your best interests to please shut up! [laugh track]
Jesse: (heaves a sigh) I don't know what's happening, but I know that I just created confusion among them. Look (the kids turn to the adults).
Logan: (to Trevor) Admit you've been stalking Nigel for a long time. Because you've been coming here late and always supposedly "busy".
Trevor: I'm Nigel's stalker? (scoffs) Really, y'all are crazy. (turns to Zoey) Babe, you believe this nonsense?
Zoey: (gazes at Trevor for a while) Well?
Trevor: (surprised at her expression) This is really insane. Zoey, I can't believe you would assume such a thing about me. He's a good guy, and I would never do that. Especially to someone I just met 3 days ago.
Zoey: I just want you to prove Logan wrong.
Nigel: Why are we arguing about this? It's obviously not Trevor. (His phone dings, and he checks it to read an anonymous text). "Hello, Grayson. You're so lucky you weren't at the food truck today. From Trevor." [laugh track] (Now everyone is both shocked and upset).
Tracy: (surprised) So Trevor is the stalker? I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Jesse: (he realizes his vision) That's what you said! Your words, not Logan's.
Nigel: But it's not our Trevor. I know who this is. Some stalker fan I exchanged numbers with some time ago. He told me his names are Oscar and then Milton Trevor Dave Coleman. Now that I think about it, they might be his split personalities [brief laugh track]
Zoey: (to Jesse) But why did you say Trevor is the stalker.
Jesse: I said, "Ask Trevor." But no one listens to anyone until Liam is the one who does so. (turns to the kitchen in annoyance. The other kids follow suit).
Logan: (smirks at Jesse's somewhat blunt, but truthful outburst) Yup, that's my kid! [laugh track]
Zoey: Trevor, don't take any of this to heart. We were only worried for our friend.
Logan: And it's my fault; I'm sorry too. I'll talk to Jesse. (smirks again) The one time y'all get called out for your shallow thinking. [laugh track] (He goes to the kitchen)
Trevor: It's fine, and in order to help, I can talk to my uncle. He's a detective and could easily help out with the stalker issue.
Nigel: (gratefully) Thanks, buddy. I really appreciate your help.
Zoey: (hugs Trevor) Also, the next time we get into an argument, we'll blame Logan first.
Everyone: Deal! [final laugh track] (The scene comes to a close).

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