Logan's Version 2 (scene 10) - The Christmas Version

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It's Christmas Day in the Hilson household. There are different Christmas decorations all over the place, especially in the living room, as well as balloons and ribbons. The Christmas tree is decorated at a corner of the room, a bit close to the dining table, with wrapped boxes under them.
Meanwhile, Jesse enters the living room in a not so happy mood. He sees a box closed halfway and proceeds to open it; he realizes it's a Christmas themed cake.
Jesse: (heaves a sigh) Great. Even the cake hates me [brief laugh track].
Logan: (walks in with some Pepsi cans. He seems excited) Happy birthday, big guy.
Jesse: Thanks, Mr Liam. Quick question: Who's Russell? (the words "Happy Birthday, Russell!" are written on the cake in all caps) [laugh track].
Logan: (glances at the cake for some seconds) Russell's the one in trouble for mixing up the orders again [another laugh track] (Tracy and Mikey walk in through the front door with Danny, Drea, and Alfred).
Tracy: Merry Birthday, Jesse Vamp! (smirks) And yes, I thought of that all by myself [laugh track].
Jesse: (smiles) Thanks, Miss Tracy.
Danny: I am so grateful your birthday is the same as Christmas Day. It's twice the fun.
Drea: For Jesse?
Danny: No, for me. (He glances at the cake on the table and smiles weirdly) Danny's gonna get me some cake [laugh track]. (Tracy and Jesse turn toward Logan)
Logan: Danny, help me set the table.
Danny: But Jesse's here. He's my best friend, and he'll want to help out in the spirit of Christmas.
Logan: (sassily) Well, if you don't want Jesse to help you take your spirit to the actual spirit of Christmas, then touch that cake [laugh track]. (Danny groans as he follows Logan to the dining table).
Zoey: (walks out of her room, she is speaking to someone on the phone) Look, Trevor. Just come over. It's Christmas (pause). How about we put all the ugliness aside and face the new year?
Tracy: (turns to Mikey) I don't know about Trevor, but Zoey's right. You're kind of ugly; I'm relieved you aren't my type [laugh track].
Mikey: But you dated this ugly type of person. And shocking twist, I was relieved when you left [another laugh track].
Zoey: (Ends the call and excitedly calls everyone) Great news, guys. (Everyone gathers around Zoey in the living room) Trevor is joining us soon, and he's bringing along a special guest star. (Almost immediately, the doorbell rings. Zoey opens the door and sees Trevor with a now 12 year-old Michael).
Michael: Merry Christmas, folks [laugh track and applause]. Who missed me?! (Danny, Drea, and Jesse are very happy to see him, and they hug him. As Trevor and Michael walk in, Zoey closes the door).
Drea: We thought you weren't coming.
Michael: Someone inspired me to change my mind.
Logan: (dropping another wrapped box under the tree) And that someone was trying to prove that two wrong Michaels never make a right [laugh track].
Mikey: Speaking of wrong Michaels, (turns to Trevor) I'm so sorry about all that has happened in the past year.
Trevor: It's cool, I'm not mad at you anymore.
(The two exchange handshakes and hug as well. Trevor releases himself and quickly frowns) But if you try that again, I will pull a Logan thing on you on live television.
Logan: (smirks at Zoey and Tracy) I told you the Logan thing solves issues quickly (the ladies roll their eyes) [laugh track].
Zoey: (She smiles at Trevor) Now that's behind us. Can we enjoy this happy reunion?
Everyone: (in unison) Yeah, great.
Jesse: (he stares straight ahead, frozen in a trance-like state. The camera does a close-up of his green-colored left iris, followed by a speeding green wave of light. The vision opens to show a video call on someone's phone. He sees a light-skinned girl smiling at him.
[Little girl: (smiling widely, revealing her dimples) Hello, Jesse. (She also waves excitedly at him)].
(The vision is quickly closed by the green waves, followed by Jesse's eye and finally his face. He quickly regains consciousness and wears a concerned expression on his face).
Zoey: Today is Jesse's birthday. And we're going to celebrate this double occasion.
Logan: I'm so proud of my big guy. (squeezes Jesse's cheeks) He's so adorable, like his daddy.
Tracy: Please tell me it's his real daddy we're talking about.
Logan: (raised eyebrow at Tracy) What's wrong with this daddy?
Mikey: For now, you don't look like a dad.
Tracy: I would've called you a run-down version of Jesse's dad [brief laugh track]. But that's just low-key insulting to everyone, and I'm not the type to insult.
Logan: Insulting everyone IS your personality, so accept it [laugh track]. (Everyone gathers at the dining table, with Logan carrying the box of cake as well. They all sit around the dining table while Logan sets up a camera in front of them). We are going to make a video while we sing the "Merry Christmas" song.
Trevor: That will take a long time, you know. Let's just make it a group photo.
Tracy: Exactly. That way, we enjoy these amazing meals on the table prepared by yours truly -
Logan: The amazing Logan Hilson! (Everyone glares at him) I mean "me" [brief laugh track].
Zoey: Hey, me. Stop making everything about you [laugh track].
Trevor: Too bad Anne's not here. She's been very busy as a stylist now.
Zoey: Yeah, me too. But let's take this amazing picture and turn it into the best. (they all pose ahead as Logan sets the timer) And everyone, please do not mess this up.
Logan: Say Merry Birthday!
Everyone: MERRY BIRTHDAY!! [Laugh track] (The photo clicks and the screen freezes. Luckily, the picture is literally picture-perfect).

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