Chapitre 1

33 1 1

Welcome in my new story ! Thank you to be here !

Taehyung was in the bus for almost 40 minutes, and he sighed when the bus stopped near to his new school. He was silently cursing his brother from moving in a new home for the umpteenth time since the morning. How did he dare to do it without thinking about his young brother aka Taehyung ?? not that he loved his previous school, but really ? 40 minutes in this shitty bus ?? He hated his life. The young man didn't have more time to sulk as he needed to come in the school. It was a popular school. Don't get it wrong, a working-class school it was. As if the Kim family could afford fancy school... what a nonsense... 

Taehyung made his way to the secretariat, like he always did when he went in a new school. It was not like there were a lot of schools like that, but it was his third now since he moved in with his brother. Because the latter had this bad habit to move at least ones in a year since Taehyung lived with him. His hyung lived alone until their grandma died three years ago. The sixteen-year-old boy was devasted at that time but didn't have the choice as his brother was his only family. The older was nine years older and they never had been close. At first, Taehyung was a little scared with him, he didn't see his brother since a long time and didn't expect the latter accept him to live together. The older wasn't talkative, worked until late at night, met weird people at the evening when it was his day off, but at least provided his brother a safe place to be. Sometimes, the younger heard some confusing talks between the young adults, but Taehyung gave it up after a while as he didn't give a fuck to it. He preferred to immerse himself in the music, thanks to his grandma who offered his lovely grandson a strange thing called headphones which were one of her husband's gifts, something he made up just for her. In fact, it wasn't exactly his invention, it was an old thing his grandpa found some days in their attic, and which was here for at least three generations. He took his time to study the thing and managed to understand how it worked as he almost became death one day when the headphones were on his ears, and he accidently pressed somewhere in the little object. Some weird noises killed his ears before he could act and removed the things from his poor ears who might be bleeding after that... Taehyung's grandfather found how to switch on and off the little thing but didn't succeed in understand how and where the music could be in a such a small thing. Luckily, there was a charger with it. Taehyung remembered when his grandma gave it to him, it was for his fifteenth birthday, and there was just the two of them for some months after her husband passed out. It was a soft and warm evening, and both enjoyed it, each one with one headphone plugged in their ear. Since this day, Taehyung didn't have a day without listening to his music. The young man had the hidden the headphones under his hair, his eyes barely visible from the strands on his forehead. And to perfect the whole thing, he wore a hoodie. Maybe all Taehyung wanted was to disappear, to be invisible, to live a peaceful life...

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