Chapitre 28

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Taehyung didn't know if he was awake or in a dream. He could hear some shouts and cries but was unable to open an eye or move. This might be a dream...

But...He could feel something wet... some water was on his feet...and it seemed that the liquid was quickly risen, reaching his knees and it was pretty uncomfortable.

It seemed like chaos in his surroundings, people screaming or crying. Someone was shouted at him, begging him to wake up, and Taehyung opened his eyes to see Jungkook jerking him, water almost on his shoulder now.

With wide scared eyes, Taehyung stared at Jungkook.

-Tae ! come on! We need to come out before the plane sink !

Taehyung didn't feel awake, he could see and hear but like in a fog, all blurry and muffled noises surrounding him. Weirdly, he didn't fear the water, maybe his previous trauma was behind now.

Grabbing his hand, he led him to the front where it looked like the plane had been dislocating as there was nothing but a hole in the cabin, some people swimming outside. It was almost night and they barely saw where they were once in the sea.

Jungkook urged him to swim as they need to be as far from the plane as they could to not be sweep along with it while it sank in the deep dark sea.

Taehyung obeyed and swam as quick as his feeble natation skills could.

-come on, there is an island, do you see it ? right before us ! it won't take long to go there, it's not so far, come Tae!

Jungkook tried to cheer the other, aware of his poor physical condition.

Tae suddenly saw JinHyoon beside him, and he was so relieved she was here and not in the plane. He realized then they weren't alone in the sea, some people succeeded too to get out of the plane. After a moment which seemed an eternity for Taehyung, his body so tired and painful, they reached a beach. However, they helped other young girls and boys to come to the beach, all exhausted.

When they didn't see anyone nor hear any distress call in the sea, the group collapsed in the sand, Taehyung being the first. Before closing his eyes, he asked to Jungkook what happened.

-the steward told us there was some electromagnetic attacks around the world, drowning the Earth in a total black out. As the satellites and computers couldn't work, nor the plane. The pilots had noticed an island in the middle of nowhere, so they tried to land on the water. But they couldn't decrease their speed enough, the plane dislocated before landing. Most of the passengers fainted in the plane, and just a few had made it... Silence engulfed them while they could hear the soft noise of the waves on the sand.

When Taehyung woke up, it was early in the morning. He was thirsty andlooked around to find some water. The group was still asleep, and he didn't todisturb them, they all needed to rest after the disaster the previous night.The young man realized they would need water as soon as possible or theycouldn't survive. So, he observed the vicinity, it was beautiful with the whitesand bordered with palm trees and other species he didn't know, and the sea,the immensity of the sea, so blue and shining. He decided to walk on the beach,as he could see some boulders a bit further. Climbing on them, he easilyreached the top and he walked into the forest. After a while, the boy speededup when he heard some noises looking like waterfalls right before him, and hestepped on another area with rocks. And water. There were waterfalls in the endof the zone, and a great stretch of water at its bottom. Taehyung turned roundand what he saw made him widely smile : the place was huge enough for the groupto stay. His clothes were sticky, and the salt made him scratched his body ; hereally had a sensitive skin, and wearing these clothes for so long irritated alot his poor body. So, he didn't think long and jumped in the water. 

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