Chapitre 33

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Taehyung stayed on the beach, his feet on the sea, his eyes looking at nothing, his mind lost in these souvenirs he knew he would cherish a lot. Even if Jinhyoon had sad eyes, she tried her best to not show it, trying to speak to him, asking questions about him or telling him fun story about her baby. Talking about her son always brought her face a wide smile, and sometimes, even sparkles in her eyes.

It was a strange emotion because talking about her son made her happy and sad at the same time...

Taehyung blamed himself but did he could have done better ? because their situation was hard, lost in an unknown island, far from their lives. It was difficult to not let yourself drawn in dark thoughts, thinking about your family, were they safe ?

For Taehyung, it was easy as he had no more family. Jungkook was his family now. He should stop to run away from him, Jungkook was always here for him, he couldn't deny it. Taehyung had just been too emotional since their escape; it was hard for him to handle the situation which was so stressful.

So, with a last goodbye to his dear friend, the young man slowly came back to the camp. He took his time, focusing on his surroundings, liking the birds shipping, the sound of the wind in the leaves. When he arrived near the rocks, Jin came quickly to hug him. Without a word, the older pecked his head and brushed Taehyung's arm.

Everyone came to hug or say a word to him. Even Shany, who looked so sad. Taehyung took all these words and hugs to comfort him, they were welcome. Life was going on...

Few days passed, each one trying to move forward, each one on its own. For Taehyung, it was to keep his routine on, doing the laundry, helping the other when he could, eating a bit even if he didn't want it, sleeping alone... and being frozen.

One day, Taehyung realized it was the end of the year now, it was time to take charge of his loving life. He had waited for too long, and Shiny had bothered him a lot. She had to stop touching Jungkook right now because he swore he would kill her with such delectation, so slowly...

Taehyung shook his head to erase his murdered thoughts, took an empty coconut and filled it with cold water. The angry young man saw right through Shany, always bringing water or food to Jungkook when he was working in the forest. So, he decided to be the first this afternoon. He smirked when he saw her baffled face while they stare at each other. But today, Taehyung was the winner as he gently offered to Jungkook the coconut. The latter wasn't oblivious to them, and to be honest, he was appreciating the moment. It seemed his Taehyung was coming back for real, oh God he thought this moment would never come ! and Shiny was too clingy to his liking...

-Kook ? can we speak ?

Jungkook took his time while drinking the fresh water, noticing Taehyung's gulping while staring at him, more precisely to his chest and abs well noticeable under his wet tee-shirt... With a smirk, he gave the coconut back to Taehyung.

-Sure, I should be done in a while.

-ok, see you soon !

Taehyung didn't waste time and ran far from this oh so tempting body he loved so much.

He was lost in his thoughts, at the water's edge, when he heard someone coming. Jungkook was behind him, and Taehyung gulped again.

-so ? asked Jungkook

And Taehyung panicked.

-... you should take a bath before, right ?

Jungkook stared at him, and with a grin, whispered to him:

-oh ?? really ? you think I should bath ? ok then... but not alone... come with me !

And without a warning, he took Taehyung's hands in his and pushed him toward the water, moving forward deeper and deeper.

-hey ! no !! Jungkook ! stop it! I don't need to...

-tssssss of course you need it... fresh water is still refreshing for your poor thoughts...

And in an instant, Taehyung stumbled, and both fell in the fresh water with a loud splash. As the water was clear and limpid, they could see each other, all noises from the outside disappearing as calm and silence engulfed them.

At this moment, Taehyung believed everything would be normal again between them, they would kiss, ending all misunderstandings. Jungkook could clearly see what Taehyung was expecting for, but decided to tease him more, to give him the test of his own medicine. Because he had to wait for him too long, even if he understood the situation was awful and frightening, Jungkook missed Taehyung a lot and would have been happy to comfort him. But his lover didn't let him the choice and push him away. So, what were some more minutes ??

So, now they were about to kiss, Jungkook brushed Taehyung's cheek, and with a kick of his foot, swam away.

Taehyung didn't believe it ! how did he dare to let him freeze in the water like that, without a kiss to warm him up ??

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