Chapitre 3

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Without a look, she gave Taehyung some papers, without any explanation.

Suddenly, someone was heard from the hallway.

-pardon ! pardon ! excuse me !

A guy burst in the office, out of breath.

-sorry m'am, I was at the second floor when I heard your announcement.

The woman rose her head ("oh lucky guy you are !" thought Taehyung) and frowned.

-Jeon Jungkook, don't forget you are at school ! you need to behave, your name didn't mean anything here !

Taehyung didn't understand why she was speaking like this, the poor guy didn't do anything wrong...

-sorry m'am !

-this is Kim Taehyung, he is in your class, be his guide for the day.

And like this, she returned to her work, ignoring both.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung and bowed.

-nice to meet you, Taehyung. I am J...

-Jeon Jungkook, I know, I heard.

-oh...yes... of course ! come on, you don't want to be late at your first class, right ?

Taehyung nodded and followed the black hair. They were taking the stairs two by two, and soon they were behind one girl who seemed to be the last one to come in the class. They weren't late for Taehyung's first class. Jungkook talked to the professor, introducing Taehyung to him. The man just nodded and waved them to sit. Jungkook sat at the first row, alone. Taehyung frowned and soon realized there was no place but beside Jungkook. With a sigh, he grabbed the chair and sat down beside the young man. Taehyung didn't look at him and focus on his professor. When the latter asked them to take their book, Taehyung panicked a little as he didn't have the time to take his in the library. But Jungkook put his in the middle of their desk so Taehyung could read it as well. He whispered a thank you and gained a soft smile from Jungkook.

There were two more courses after this one, and Jungkook led him to the right place each time. The young man wasn't talkative, always whispering a few words like he was trying to not be more intrusive than it needed. When it was time for lunch, Taehyung followed his guide again in the huge cafeteria, where you could buy some food or just settle to eat your home-made food. The whole school might have been here as there was just one table without anyone, lost in the bottom of the hall. Jungkook didn't watch for a place but quickly went to this specific table like he owned it. That was a little strange, nevertheless Taehyung followed him and sat in front of the other before grabbing his bag to take his box lunch. He opened it and took his spoon, digging it in the rice with sesame oil. There was a half of egg and some onions slices but nothing more. Jungkook frowned at the sight of the other's lunch, it didn't seem enough for a young man, at least, for him. Jungkook's lunch's box was full of gimbaps with vegetables as he always ate the same things every day. Just because he loved gimbaps, he changed every day the ingredients to not get bored of even if he doubted that could happen one day... So, seeing the other's poor lunch made him uncomfortable. He tried to not focus on it, may be Taehyung didn't have time to prepare it or perhaps forgot to go shopping for it. 

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